dude, he wouldn't

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"Wake up!" I felt someone's hand on my face

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"Wake up!" I felt someone's hand on my face. Constantly ruffling my hair as I laid down on my bed, "five more minutes." I said as I rolled over.

"No Romo, wake up!" I opened my eyes slowly and saw Vinnie standing in front of me.

"What the hell Vinnie?!" I looked around and realized I was in his room, "Why am I here?" He looked at me and sat down on his bed.

"Christian accidently called me last night." I stayed silent so he continued, "He was saying a lot of things that you know kind of hurt, but he also said that he was going to fuck my bitch again."

I froze and looked down at my clothes, I had a tank top on. "Okay?"

"So I was wondering what he meant, you know? And then he continued to run his mouth about this friends with benefits thing that you and him have been doing for a couple years now. And of course I didn't believe him, but then I kept thinking about it and I realized why you actually moved in with him." As he spoke his voice was filled with sarcasm. It was really okay at first but then when he finished it was silent and Vinnie was completely silent. "So speak up, what the hell is Christian talking about?"

"Wait so you kidnapped me and took me to your house?" I asked as I was still confused about why I was there. He looked away from me and then back at me.

"Just answer the question (Y/n)."

I looked at him and sighed, "I don't know how to explain it, but he was drunk and he wasn't thinking alright." I laid back and looked at my ceiling. " But we did it like four times, nothing after."

"Four times?" He looked over at me and I looked at him too. His hands in his face as he rubbed his eyes. "Why didn't you just tell me you were doing it? We're best friends. Why didn't you trust me?"

I stayed silent.

"Why didn't you do it with me? Like not all three of us, but me and you." He laid down beside me and sighed, "What is the difference between Christian and I?"

"Vin it's not that, the first time we did it we were both going through things." I looked over at him and sighed, "We never brought it up because when we would do it, Christian chose when and then I would agree because we were best friends. But recently I chose to do it."

He nodded his head, "So you like him?"

"No, we just have a lot in our lives that make us a bit crazy for unstable people." He laughed a little bit and I smiled.

"So you're telling me I like an unstable girl?"

"Have you seen my life Vin? Clearly it is." He looked over at me and smiled. "Can you guys not do it anymore?" he asked.

"Yeah, we'll probably forget about it anyway." I looked over to him and put my hand on his cheek. "I promise." I was about to take my hand off when he grabbed it and put it back.

"Don't." His nice green eyes looked into mine and I felt my heart beat faster, "I won't." I said. I left my hand there and I felt the tension between both of us. He would look down at my lips and then back at me. His eyes doing that repeatedly, and all it made me do was smile.

"Vinnie, you're important. There's just a lot going on with Christian and I." He nodded his head and smiled.

"What?" I asked.

"I've never looked at you for this long." I smiled and moved my body closer to his so I could hug him. He arms wrapped around me while I smiled into our hug. "I don't want to let go." He said as we stayed like that.

"Okay, we won't."


Vinnie's arm was around me as I stayed in my room for that day. He didn't talk about Christian and surprisingly we didn't hear anything from Christian either, he probably knew he messed up.

"Do you want to get food?" He asked but I shook my head. "But I'm hungry bub."

I looked at him and he smiled, "Bub?"

"Yeah, you don't like it?"

I shrugged, "I liked Romo better."

"Fine, I'll just call you Romo." I smiled and so did he. I continued to watch the show and when I felt Vinnie's arm move I became nervous. He wasn't crossing boundaries, he just moved his arm to get more comfortable. I felt my heart beating faster as I laid onto his chest. I could hear his heartbeat also, and it made me smile.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing, I'm just listening to your heart." I sat up and looked at him. He grabbed my hand and put it up to his heart.

"My heart is beating for you." He looked into my eyes and smiled. I felt my cheeks flush and then we both looked at each other again and busted out laughing.

"That was the cheesiest shit I've ever heard." I said as I looked at him.

He put his hands up and smiled, "I'm not lying though."

I relaxed my body onto the bed and felt him place his hand on my cheek. "I like your face." He said.

"Wow, that was different."

"I'm not lying, look at those nice eyes, that beautiful nose, awesome smile. Man, if I could date you I'd be the luckiest person ever."

I shook my head and took his hand off my face, "What are you doing?" He asked frantically which made me surprised.

"What?" I asked laughing.

"Don't take my hand off, let it stay there. Damn." He acted all mad which made me laugh.


"No. You can take it off since you don't love me." He crossed his arms like a little baby and I grabbed his arms to uncross.


"No, you don't love me no more. I'm hurt." He clenched his chest acting like he was in pain and was continuing to not let me uncross his arms.

"Stop Vin."

He looked over at me and quickly turned me over onto my back. His hands were holding onto my wrists and his face was close to mine, "Make me." His lips were so close to mine as I stared into his green eyes.

That was hot.

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