dude, the sex

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"That's why when you guys have intercourse, you have to be careful

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"That's why when you guys have intercourse, you have to be careful. A condom will be your best friend." She started handing out condoms to every student and I looked at the banana and aluminum package in front of me.

The male P.E. coach stood up and looked at the boys in the class, "Boys if you don't want to raise a Billy, than wrap your willy. I live by that now, since my ex-wife has full custody now." Everyone looked at him confused and he slowly sat down with a blank stare.

"Hey (Y/n), how about we go practice during passing periods?" I turned to see one of the varsity basketball players sitting next to me with a smirk on his face.

"Sorry I already have an appointment with you dad, maybe next time." His friends started to make fun of him as they all understood the rejection and I sat there staring at Christian having trouble with putting on the condom on the banana. "What are you doing?"

"Yeah there is no way I'm putting on a condom." He threw it away and sat back down next to me.

"You better have good pull out game then."

"Well you already know I do." He said while laughing. I rolled my eyes and he spoke up, "So I was thinking, how about we go back to the house and start our next round."



" I can't believe you have the audacity to even ask me that after what you did. Vinnie found out and he was hurt."

He nodded his head, "Yeah and then you guys decided to fuck or what?"


"Let's stop this whole thing then, alright? We're just best friends, not sex on the side."

"I've been trying to stop, but you keep making it hard for me." I said as I grabbed my bag.

"What my dick or-?" He said smiling.

"Shut up." We both walked out as the bell rang and went on with our day.


"Yeah and then you guys decided to fuck or what?"


(Flashback to the day before)

"Make me."

I looked into his green eyes and held onto the back of his neck while he looked at me also, "Really?"

"Yeah, why not?" He smiled again which made me laugh. His skin was already touching mine and I could feel the goose bumps on my skin. I could feel the air on me as his fan went in circles, as Vinnie kept looking at my lips and then my eyes.

I leaned in close to him and smiled into a kiss, which he soon stopped, "What?" I asked.

"This feels wrong." He ran his hand against my hair and I scrunched my eyebrows.

"It's okay, just relax." I leaned in again and felt his soft lips on mine as his body untensed. His right hand left from my hair to roam down to my waist as I trailed my hand that was on his neck to the lower part of his hair.

His hands were moving lower and lower as he continued to move our lips in sync. They had finally rested at my waistline as he played with the material of my shorts. I moved my other hand to make its way down to his own erection, as I knew he was going to groan into another kiss. I palmed him as he moved his hand down my shorts now making contact with my skin.

He groaned into a kiss and I smiled into another. He started to lift his shirt, but I stopped him before he could bring it up all the way. "What, you scared Romo?"

I laughed as I put my hand on his cheek, "Nope, but are you sure? Because you seem to be the one who's scared." He pecked my lips once more and smiled, "I'm never scared, especially of you."

He lifted up his shirt and removed it from connecting with his skin. His hand roamed back to my cheek as he connected out lips together again. I felt a tug at my shirt as he started to kiss on my jaw and then down to my neck. Another tug as I started to mess with his hair. He moved away from my neck and looked at me. "Your turn."

I slid my tank top off and felt him put his hand onto my stomach, he connected his lips onto my neck again and then soon started to kiss lower and lower. Once he reached my waistline, He leaned back to be close to me and then started to take off his sweats. He connected our lips once again and started to pull down my shorts slowly as we both continued to move our lips in sync. His tongue slipped into my mouth as he fully pulled them off and started to move his hand up and down my thigh. My hand slowly crept down to his waistline, but right as I was about to tug down on the fabric of his briefs, his phone started to ring.

"Don't worry about it." He said as he smiled into another kiss. It continued to ring, but Vinnie continued.

I started to pull them down, but once again his phone started to ring and I just stopped.

Pecking my lips again and smiling, "I said don't worry." I ruffled his hair and kissed him again.

"Just answer it, maybe it's not meant to be today."

He pouted his lips and I smiled as he leaned over to pick up the phone, "Hello?"

I looked over at him and leaned onto his chest as he spoke, "Are you serious?" He looked down at me and signaled me to start putting my clothes back on. "Evan, what the hell? You should've told me sooner." I put my tank top and shorts on as he looked at me seriously, "Look, I was busy just tell coach that."

"That's none of your business Evan, now tell coach." He brushed back his hair and smiled, "Alright. Alright, just go hang out with the guys." He hung up the phone and moved closer to me, "So what are we going to do now?"

"What happened with Evan?" I asked as I threw him his shirt.

"Well turns out I missed a very important practice and coach is a bit pissed off with me."

"Whatever, like coach is ever mad at you."

"Well he was when I defended you, and then the next day he didn't say anything about it." He hugged me close to him and kissed my cheek.

"Exactly, he always will forgive you anyway."

He looked at his TV screen and smiled, "Damn imagine if we had sex." He laughed at his statement and I smiled. "No, imagine if we get married. Now that is just a dream, that's better than sex."

I turned to look at him and pecked his lips, "Keep dreaming Vin."

"Wow, so you don't want to have bomb looking kids with me?" he asked hugging me closer.

"I don't know, I could have bomb looking kids with a guy in Samson High that I met."

"Does he have green eyes though, no right? Why have kids with brown eyes when you can have good looking kids with green eyes?"

I shrugged my shoulders and whispered in his ear, "Maybe the guy from Samson can actually finish?"

He looked at me offended and crossed his arms, "Damn, okay." I started to laugh and I knew he wanted to smile too but he kept inside.

"C'mon I was just playing." I said as I kissed him, but he didn't kiss back. "Damn, I see how it is." I got up from the bed and started to walk out the door.

"Where are you going?" He asked quickly.

"To the guy from Samson High's house." I said as Vinnie quickly got up and followed behind me. He quickly pulled me over his shoulder and brought me back to the room. He laid me on the bed and hovered over me, "Nah, I'm definitely better."



I pecked his lips and smiled, "Then prove it."


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