dude, that's how it is

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We did kiss, and as his lips touched mine I held onto him tighter

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We did kiss, and as his lips touched mine I held onto him tighter. It was the third kiss that Austin stopped. And he started to cry, I just held him because I knew he was hurting and for him to put up a front that he was okay wasn't helping him. 

I was holding him in my arms as we were laying on his bed, his head on my chest and the soft snores coming from him. He had cried a lot, and I had a feeling this wouldn't work out. He had been struggling for years, it wasn't going to be easy.  

And as for me, I knew it felt different especially since it wasn't Vinnie but I don't really know how I feel. I had two missed calls from him on my phone that were staying on the notification list as I looked at my phone, I did feel like answering. I knew I missed everything, so as Austin was sleeping I called back and stood in the hallway waiting. 

A couple rings went by and as I began look at the photo of us together, I began to tear up. I think I was overwhelmed with everything which made me almost hang up, but when my finger was so close to the red button a voice rang through the phone. 


"Hey Vin." 

"Is everything okay?" 

"Yeah. Uh-I wanted to know if you-" 

"Let's meet up at the park."  And with that he hung up the phone. I walked back into the room and saw Austin laying down still. A small smile was on my face as I kissed his cheek and grabbed my shoes to step out. I grabbed his sticky notes and wrote, "I'll be back. -(Y/n)" 

And I stepped out of the room not knowing if the right path was in front of me or if I was going to be going down a long road of stress. But I was going to Vinnie, so you never know. 


I felt someone tap me on my leg as I sat down in the grass. My jeans were slightly already green from the last time I was here with Vinnie and Christian, we were constantly rolling down the hill that the park had while people around stared at us weirdly but it was nice to have those memories. 

"Hey." I looked up and saw Vinnie standing there. He sat down next to me as I looked at the tree far from us. "So how is everything?" He was nervous, more awkward than ever. 

"Okay, I guess. How about you?" 

He pursed his lips together and sighed, "Okay, I guess." He smiled over at me as he copied my answer. We both exchanged small laughs before we fell into another silence. He was now leaning onto his arms as he looked at the same tree I was looking at. We sat there for maybe ten minutes without saying a word. 

The wind increased a bit as clouds started to form above the park, "You know I still love you, right?" He said which caught me off guard. He was still sitting there, looking at the tree. 

"Yeah, I know." I looked over at him and he looked at me too, " Can we talk?" I asked. 

He smiled and turned his body to look at me, "I thought we were just now." 

"No, like actually talk. No awkward tension, just speak to me." He laughed a little with the last part and smiled. "Just ask me questions or something, so we can figure this out." I said as he started to nod his head and think. 

He opened his mouth and then closed it, "Be honest with me Vin." He looked away from me, exentuating his jawline as he slightly smiled. 

"Has Austin touched you?" He messed around with the strings on his ripped jeans, but I lifted his chin to look at me and he did. Still waiting for my answer, but I told him to be honest so I had to also. "Like in the way I have?" He added. 

"No not really, we almost did. But it's still hard for him, so he couldn't do it." I faced him now, sitting criss-cross apple sauce and looking at him closely. 

A slight smile was on his face, "Good." I smiled too as he was becoming shy of the conversation but he continued asking. 

"When we weren't really talking anymore after that day, did you meet anyone else? Like a guy." 

I shook my head 'no' and he continued to keep that small smile, "No, I think I've been helping Austin out more than myself, and now that he broke things off with Emily I think he'll need me more than ever." I paused and then took my turn to mess with the messed up fabric of my jeans, "And I'll be there for him because he was there for me, he's a great friend and I think I'll keep it that way with him." Vinnie looked up from looking at the grass and his smile kind of faded. He looked confused, but I wasn't going to fully answer him. 

"Oh." Was all he said. 

"Yeah, it's time I focus on the things I need to fix." I bit the inside of my lip as I contemplated on saying the things that were going to come out of my mouth, "I need to fix the relationship with my dad, and with others." 

He nodded his head and stayed quiet, "Including you Vinnie." He looked at me in the eyes again. I smiled as he did too, and I wish I could've paused the moment for us because I wish we could just stay that way. Looking at each other and being okay with the silence, because it was Vinnie and he's always been my best friend. Nothing could change that. 


I shook his hand and sat down on the couch, "Well it's nice meeting you sir." He sat there with a nice suit on. I came to speak to my dad, but instead Vinnie and I were sitting across from a big-time recruiter for college football. 

I was mentally nervous for the possiblity of saying the wrong things, but he continued to smile at me. "Alright, well I just want to talk about your future choices for a career." I nodded my head and so did Vinnie. "We have many open spots for you guys to pick from." He opened up his folder and I looked over at Vinnie confused. 

"You mean Vinnie, right?" I asked.  

He looked up at me and laughed, "(Y/n), look at me." I was. "You are the number one player in all high school football teams, recruiters have been very eager to have your name on their rosters. Why wouldn't you be a selection?" 

I pointed at myself and he grinned, "Sir, I'm a girl. They haven't allowed or even picked a girl to play in-well they never have." 

"You are special." He pointed at me, "And you have real talent, no one cares that you're a girl. All we want is a dedicated player for this next season." 

I looked over at Vinnie again and he was still staring at the man in front of us, mouth gapped open a bit and listening. "Now I have a list of teams that want you for their next season." He took out a paper from his folder as Vinnie and I watched him look at the paper observantly. "Okay I'll give you the top three choices for you and if you're still not interested then I'll show you more. Let's start with Vincent Hacker." 

Vinnie scooted closer off the couch as his knee started to shake up and down rapidly. "Now your top three teams are Alabama University, University of Miami, and UCLA." Vinnie practically froze as he heard his top three. He didn't even look at me, he just seemed surprised. 

"Now (Y/n), your top three are University of Georgia, University of Texas, and Clemson University." Now I knew how Vinnie felt, I was frozen, mouth gapped a bit open, and not wanting to speak. 

Our dreams were finally coming true, and we didn't even know how to feel about it. 

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