dude, the transfer

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"Did you bring your transfer papers, oh and I need your old grades

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"Did you bring your transfer papers, oh and I need your old grades." Her hair bounced slightly as she was still stuck with an 80's hairstyle. Her red lips were a bit chapped, but her smile shown bright as she looked at us both.

We handed her the papers, smiling still she looked at them and put them in a file. A man came up to her and handed her two pieces of paper which she handed to us. "Alright kiddos, here are your schedules. There is a map of the school on the back and your lunch period is around 12 o'clock. Anything else you need to know?"

Christian shook his head, "Are they practicing for football?" I asked. She quickly nodded her head, "Yes! But I think they are booked on trainers."

"Oh no ma'am, she plays football." Christian grasped onto the straps of his backpack.

"Oh!" She looked me up and down and smiled, "I'm sorry, I didn't think you did. I thought maybe basketball."

"It's alright ma'am." I smiled at her and she pushed her hair back. A loud bell rang through the school and she quickly shook her hands at us, "You guys better go to class, first period starts right now!"

Christian waved goodbye to the middle aged woman and we both walked out of the office. "Excited?" He asked.

"No, just regretting that we switched schools."

"Well maybe it'll be good." He hugged me close and then ruffled up my loose hair, "I'll see you later Romo, don't get lost."

"Okay." He started to walk away and I walked in the other direction. We had second, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth period together. But for right now, I was on my own.

I walked down the huge school of Samson High and saw the number of classroom 405. My new Calculus class. I put my hand out to open the door, but was quickly pushed to the side a little bit.

"Oh sorry." Her blond hair was fake. She pouted her lips and laughed, but I just moved aside and waited for her to get into the classroom. Maybe I was a bit harsh to call out her wig, but I guess girls here didn't show their natural hair. She walked inside, following behind her was a small bag that literally could fit nothing, but to these people at Samson High that didn't matter. The brand was what made you look nice and cool.

I walked in and saw a young looking guy standing near his desk. Other kids were already sitting down, but their eyes trailed on me as I walked in. "Hello!" I turned my head back to the man standing in front of me.

"Hi." I said as I gave him a smile.

"You're (Y/n), right?" I nodded my head and felt the stares stiffen. They were all on me as my new teacher made my appearance an even bigger scene. "Okay class!" He stood beside me and smiled at the other teens who sat there.

"This is (Y/n) (Y/l/n). She is new to Samson, so please be welcoming and help her catch up on some things." He smiled down at me and then looked around for an empty seat. One stood there as the other students started to whisper amongst themselves. "There. You can sit next to Austin."

I nodded my head and walked over to the seat. I sat down and put the backpack on the ground as they continued to stare. "Hey, I'm Austin." I turned my head and saw a guy there sitting next to me. He had brown floppy hair, not like Vinnie's but just floppy. He had his hand out for me to shake it so I did.

"I'm (Y/n)."

"Yeah, we know." He brushed back his hair and smiled, "I mean the whole school was kind of ready for you to come."

"What do you mean?" I asked as I continued to look at him. He was wearing a nice blue colored hoodie which took my attention.

"We were waiting for the best female football player in the state to play with us, now she's here." He continued to smile as the teacher started to write things on the board. "You've had a spot on this team since our coach found out you were transferring. I mean news travels fast, we weren't the only high school that wanted you to play on the team."


"What the hell is going on?" I asked as I stood beside Christian.

"I don't know, but these people are kind of scaring me. I mean, how do they know so much about us?" He moved ahead in line as he grabbed a tray, "A kid in my second period knew my birthday."

"I didn't even know they knew we were transferring, and Austin told me that other schools wanted us to play for them too." We walked ahead more and grabbed some food to put on our trays. "This is just weird."

"Yeah definitely." We walked out of the line and started to walk to an empty table, but we were quickly redirected as Austin and two other guys invited us to their table.

"So we have practice today, but coach wants to talk to you guys for a bit." Damian spoke up, a tall slightly muscular built guy who was in the same second period as Christian and I.

"Oh okay." I said as I looked down at my tray. Different school, same shit food. Just different routes, different teachers, different kids, different everything.


He blew the smoke out, puffing his cheeks and shooting circles of smoke in the air. Austin had a green vape pen in his hand, not surprised as Samson High was know for having white kids think they are cool by ruining their lungs.

"How about you (Y/n), you wanna take a hit?" He put the pen in front of me and I smiled while shaking my head.

"No thanks Austin, I kind of want to play the rest of the season without breathing like I just had six packs of cigarettes." He smiled and put the object to his lips again. Christian sat beside me as he drank the awful smelling drink in his cup and smiled sheepishly as he started to become drunk. His cheeks were flushed as they were yesterday, even though I was right. We were never going to talk about what we did, again.

And this happened often, we would both be in a mood or something and then when everything felt perfect, it really wasn't. We'd make out, take off our clothes, and become friends with benefits, but Christian was of course the only one who knew and if anyone found out, we'd probably be dead.

More like if Vinnie found out, we'd be dead.
He smiled over at me multiple times, lacing hands with each other's and then letting go as he would get up to get another drink. His hair became a wavy mess as he laughed and as I sat on the old black couch that laid in Austin's basement.

"I think we should go." I whispered to Christian which was answered with a nod and him trying to walk by himself. I got up and held onto his arm, "We are going to get going. We have to get ready for school, so see you guys on Monday." I walked out of the garage and they all said their goodbyes. Not trying to make us stay which felt better to be around, a chill environment with no judgment.

I opened the car door and Christian sat down while slowly falling asleep and having me have to worry about carrying him inside once we got home.

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