dude, just for today

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I gripped onto the end of clear tape wheel and brought it across the box

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I gripped onto the end of clear tape wheel and brought it across the box. I moved over to my desk and smiled as I looked at a picture of Vinnie, Christian, Evan, and I. "Woah, you're almost done?" Vinnie wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed my head lightly. I nodded my head and smiled as I started to form another box.

"Did you start?" I asked.

He looked away from me as I got out of his grasp and smiled, "Well-you see..."

"So you haven't started?"

"There you go!" He pulled close to him again. I was now facing him as he put his hand on my cheek, "Why is my girlfriend so smart?" He pecked my lips and I pulled away from him again.


"Yeah? What, you don't want that?" He sat on the bed and passed me the tape.

"No, it's not that. You just never asked me, I thought when you would ask it would be more special but then again I was just thinking." I smiled as he looked at me with a small smile that seemed more worried that anything else.

"Oh." He slowly nodded as I put a group of books into the box, "But you know I love you, right?"

I nodded my head and placed the box to the side as I sat next to him, "I know you do, I'm not taking that away from you but being in a relationship means commitment. I don't want to get hurt anymore, and I don't believe you will do that to me again so Vin..." I grabbed his hands and looked at him, "I love you too."

"But you want me to ask you formally?"

I shook my head, "No, it's okay. We're dating?" I put my hand out for him to shake it and he smiled as he looked at me. He took my hand and shook it firmly, "Deal."

I gripped onto the back of his neck making him lean forward to me. Connecting our lips together and Vinnie leaning us back onto the bed as he grabbed onto my waist. He moved his body to hover over me as we continued to move our lips in sync and I could feel him smile into some kisses.

I pulled away to look at him, "Vincent Hacker, you are worth everything."

"Thank you." He pecked my lips again and gets up. His hand out for me to grab and I got up with him, "Let's pack for our future."


A couple hours passed and I was staring at the blank canvas in front of me. A blank wall that used to be covered in pictures and posters, but now empty as the brown boxes laid on the side. I sighed at the thought of leaving home, but it was for the good and I wasn't complaining about leaving this town.

"Hey hey!" I looked up to see Diana standing there with a wide smile on her face, she was glowing and I was actually concerned. Glowing is a term too many people use when they see others who are pregnant, and I didn't want to become an aunt at the age of eighteen just about to leave to college. That would be the biggest age gap of siblings I've ever seen. "Everything's packed already?"

I nodded as she made her way over to sit on my bed. A martini glass laid nicely on her palm as she sat down, her hair nicely behind her shoulders. "Yeah, Vin helped me."

She smiled as I mentioned him and grabbed my hand, "Vinnie is a very lucky young man."

"Well I'm the lucky one also, he didn't leave my side when I didn't like him at all." A small blush made its way on my cheeks, "I guess he just knew that if he waited long enough, then one day I would eventually see that side of him."

"He always talked about you, especially when you guys had some problems."


She got comfortable on my bed as she set her glass on my nightstand, "Yeah, well when you went to that party-"

I cut her off and smiled, "Yeah, I'd rather not relive that but I understand." She nodded her head and brushed her hair back smoothly, "That boy is a very excessive over thinker, I couldn't tell you how many times I found him crying in his room because you weren't home or you were mad at him..." She giggled a bit as she trailed off, but my head was low as I was embarrassed for making Vinnie show people he barely knew, a side that was kind of private. She looked over at me and patted my leg, "Oh, I didn't mean it in a way of getting you embarrassed or upset over it. I was just saying because he genuinely cares and as your step-mom-"


She nodded her head with a smile, "Well not yet, but I'm really interested in your dad. So hopefully you can accept me for him." She grabbed my hands again, "I really love him, just like you love Vinnie." A smile crept on my face as she sat up and looked at me with hopeful eyes. I couldn't help but feel tears form because I had never imagined my dad to be happy with someone else, and I wasn't even mad about it.

I looked at her nice eyes and that Megan Fox smile, she was perfect but not as perfect as my mom. "Thank you for making him happy." I hugged her close to me and felt her grasp onto me as well, it was nice to be able to hug someone without feeling bad about it. A hug was my type of affection to someone, well depending what person it was, but I still couldn't help but want to continue hugging Diana as she sat in front of me. A beautiful lady was smiling at my dad, she would live with him for a while, and I was sincerely glad that I had forgiven my dad to see his beautiful comeback.

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