dude, virginity rocks

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"Let's try again." Goosebumps created on my skin as his breath was on my skin, his close contact with me. Everything going a bit darker as the time passed, but his lights were not on so it was a bit dark with the tint of his dark blue led lights. I gulped down my nervousness of Vinnie being there and I had never seen him this way. I guess you could say he was being-well dominant and it was different from what I've seen. But as he started to trail his hands down my body, I felt the need to be with him come back to me. The feeling of wanting his lips on mine, and his touch continuing to linger on my skin. 


He looked at me surprised, but before I could say anything he connected our lips together. Instantly moving them in sync while my hands reached to his neck making him lean down closer to me. I felt the chills of the fan above us turning with Vinnie's hands roaming up my shirt, but not fully. My hands glided down to the ends of his shirt as he continued to now kiss down my neck. His small bites probably leaving the marks that I had never had before. 

I moved my hands slowly onto his chest and tugged onto his shirt. He separated our lips and quickly removed his shirt that connected with his skin, going back to kissing my neck and started to trail down to my chest. His other hand was rubbing my inner thigh as he moved back to my lips connecting us again. I felt a tug at my shirt, but I interlaced my hand with his hair and felt him tug again.

I took it off as Vinnie took off his sweats, now only in a skin tight black briefs as he leaned his body onto mine, I could feel his own erection onto my still covered front. He made his way down to my waistline, a bit of reaction from myself as I tried to stay calm but I really couldn't because today it was Vinnie Hacker and not anyone else who was just a regular guy. 

He grabbed onto the material of my underwear and tugged, he looked up. "Are you okay?" He asked, a nod came from me as he continued to slide them down. His body come back closer to me as he hovered. His face close to mine, and without any warning he stuck a finger into me. A row of moans on my end as he start to speed them up, and it was all fine but now he added another. I tried my best to keep it in, to not release. I felt my body tense up as he removed my bra with his other hand, sliding it over onto the floor. The small noise of it falling onto the floor made Vinnie go faster as I was laying there completely unfocused. 

He kissed my lips again, and I could feel his body going against me in a back and forth motion that didn't really help my situation but he continued. As I was getting closer to me peak, he pulled his fingers out stopping. I looked at him and trailed my hands down to his own erection, palming him as he continued to kiss down my neck. Small groans escaping his lips as I continued. I raised my hand and lightly grabbed onto the fabric of his briefs slightly outlining his v-line before I stuck my hand in making him groan also. 

He slid down his briefs, now both of us completely nude. Him hovering again and smiling as he looked at me, "Never thought this would happen." He said whispering into my ear, his breath against my skin again. 

"Me either." I pecked his lips again, and smiled, "Ready?" 

He nodded his head as he leaned over to the night stand, he opened the drawer and pulled out a silver square lining. "Yeah." I waited for him to slide it on, and then when he finished he leaned close to me. I waited for him to slowly connect us both, but he paused. 

"Vin, you okay?" 

"Yeah, yeah." He looked at me kind of lost and I smiled. I grabbed onto the back his neck and made him lean closer. 

"Are you a virgin?" I whispered, his eyes widened but then his cheeks flushed and I got my answer.

He nodded his head, "I mean I've been chasing after you for the last ten years for you to want me to be your boyfriend, so I didn't get with anyone else." 

 I smiled as he rubbed my cheek with his thumb while holding onto me, "Okay."I put my hand on his and he still hesitated, "It's okay, you won't hurt me." He nodded his head and looked back down. I smiled into another kiss as he slowly connected us together in one movement. His thrusts slow and sweet as he continued to move our lips in sync. 

I could feel his heartbeat fasten as our chests were close together. His movement fastening making groans come from his mouth that had escaped our kiss. His hands gripped onto the pillow my head leaned on, and now I was starting to feel everything inside of me. As he started to mark my neck again, a row of small moans escaped my lips. 

His pace was faster than before and I could tell he was close to his release but he continued hitting every spot of me. His other hand still trailing on my thigh, and now thrusting faster as our faces were close to each other but my head leaning back onto the pillow as I was close. 

He thrusted into me harder, and as I gripped onto his shoulders he released and slowly continued as I did too. He body left contact with mine as he laid onto the side of me, a smile on his face after he took the covering off and threw it into the trash. He leaned close to me and rubbed my cheek with his thumb, kissing my lips lightly again and smiling as he looked at me, "I missed you." 

"I missed you too." I connected our lips together and he smiled into one as his arms laced around my waist with a small tug making us both be closer together. 


I rubbed my eyes as I walked out of the room, so I could go take a shower. I was wearing Vinnie's clothes as I walked down the hall of the house. I was about to reach the bathroom door when another hand met mine. I pulled away fast and looked up. My eyes widened. "Hey Diana." I said awkwardly. 

"Hey (Y/n)." She looked just as awkward and I looked at her and smiled. She looked at me up and down, so I did too. Oh, shit. 

I looked at the clothes and covered my eyes quickly, "I need to take a shower, but my dad has one in his room." She giggled as she removed my hand from my face. 

I almost gagged at the thought of my dad having sex, but then again-he'd probably gag at the thought of Vinnie and I having sex, "I won't tell your dad about your situation, if you don't say anything about ours." She put her hand out, her pinky finger sticking out as she smiled. She was a beautiful woman, and her smile was distracting. No wonder my dad chose her. I interlocked our pinkies and nodded my head, "Sounds like a deal." 

I walked into the bathroom and then peaked my head out, "Oh, was there something you needed?" I asked her. 

"Yeah, you're dad said there's some extra face wash in here." I nodded and got it from our cabinets, followed by handing it to her. "Our secret?" She said with another 'Megan Fox' smile. 

"Yeah, our secret." I pursed my lips as I closed the door and looked at myself in the mirror. "What the hell was that?" 

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