dude, the game

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"(Y/l/n), get ready to fill in

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"(Y/l/n), get ready to fill in. This play depends on how you pass. I'm not putting pressure on you, but there's pressure on you." Coach patted my shoulder as we all stood on the field getting ready to play against Gardenhap, an unusual name that the boys started to make fun of and tease the boys on their team for. Two boys already tried to throw punches at Austin and Jacob.

Two days before this Jacob started hanging out with us, and let's just say some people weren't so happy with it. "Now we're going to run a QB sneak and if that doesn't work out, we're running Texas." Our best play "Texas" was reserved for this game and many of the guys were excited to run it through against a team who doesn't know.

Our helmets secured to our heads, and the slight nervousness from us all, "Don't choke, you guys can win this. I believe every one of you has talent, now use it." He nodded his head toward me and I smiled.

"KNIGHTS ON THREE!" Everyone put their hands in the middle and we all had determination on our faces, a win on our mind. "ONE! TWO! THREE!"

I looked over at Christian, then Austin, and I finally saw Jacob smiling at me. I gave him a slight smile, then looked back at our hands, "KNIGHTS!"

We all descended from our group huddle, but Jacob followed behind. "Good look Ms. Quarterback." He game me a smile, his eyes became smaller as he did and the black marks on his face complimented his skin color nicely,



"Thanks for the food Austin." Christian grabbed a slice of pizza as we all sat in the living room of Austin's house.
He smiled over at Christian and took a bite or of his own, Emily glanced over at him with a smile on her face as I was sitting in between Vinnie and Jacob.

Vin's arm was around me as I ate and he was on his phone since he had dinner with his own team. He glanced over at me multiple times as I would talk to Jacob, an occasional laugh was exchanged between us two which made Vin pull me closer to him.
One serious glances were given to Jacob from Vinnie, he continued to look at me, tell me he loved me, and kiss my cheek whenever he had the chance. I felt bad. A new friend I made, made Vinnie's insecurity in me leaving him bigger.

As if I would ever do that to him. I wouldn't. Because Vinnie and I we're something different, different than f-buddies, like Christian and I, different than just a normal guy I'm crushing on. I can't describe it, but all I know is that it's just Vinnie and I don't want it to end. "So I heard there was a party happening either it's tonight or tomorrow night, who's down?" Christian looked up from his phone as Jacob mentioned the event.

"Yes! Finally I have someone who will got to parties with me." Christian dapped him up as they both continued talking about the party.

"Are you going to go?" Vinnie asked whispering to me.

"I don't know, maybe." He nodded his head and then slowly leaned it onto mine. I looked over Emily as she watched Austin start to set up his PS5 so that the guys could play. The look she gave him was full of love and I smiled as I knew about them, and how she wanted to be with him forever.

She looked over at me with a smile and walked over to where I was with her hand out, "Let's go somewhere else." I stood up quickly and felt a tug on my arm.

"Don't gooooooooo." I smiled down at Vinnie as he held onto my hand and he slightly smiled at me.

"Let me hang out with Em." He crossed his arms as Emily pulled me away from the group of boys. We both walked outside when out of no where she started squealing. "What's going on?" I asked her with a smile.

She held my hands in hers and I felt all her happiness connect to me as she smiled, "He told me he loved me, like 'I love you' for the first time!" She started jumping again and I just smiled at her happiness.

"When did he do it?"

"He said it yesterday, we were laying down next to each other-"

I knew where this was going and I felt my stomach churn at her cost because if she says what I think she is going to say, well then that wasn't the best time to say "I love you". She continued, "And we had just finished, so when I looked up at him he was already looking down at me and he just said it."

"Wait, so you're saying that he said 'I love you' right after sex?" The words came out of my mouth faster than I could think and regret was written on my face as her smiled started to fade.

"Yeah, he did." Her voice was a bit stern, but I just continued to listen, "I guess it wasn't the perfect time for him to say it, but I mean I think he means it."

I waved my hands indicating 'no' as she grew sad in front of me, "No,no,no! That's not what I meant! I'm pretty sure he does love you, it was just an awkward time to say something like that."

"Yeah, but it's okay. I mean hopefully he'll say it again after he drops me off tonight." She put a smile on her face, but all it did was make me feel bad for even bringing up the small statement. She grabbed my hand again, "Let's go inside. I'm pretty sure Vinnie is waiting for you." We started to walk back inside and once the guys eyes met mine, I felt my cheeks flush as they looked at us embarrassed.

Emily didn't understand until she turned her head to the tv. Megan Fox was on the screen as the boys were watching Jennifer's Body, what an amazing choice for the guys to put right now. Especially since I had always felt like a she was a different type of beautiful next to me.

"Turn it off." Christian whispered to Evan, but Evan couldn't figure out the controller and started to panic.

"Well Abuelita wants me home by nine, so I better head out." He smiled as he grabbed his bags and ran out of the house followed by Christian chasing him with his stuff. I turned back to the other boys and saw Vinnie and Jacob on their phones.

"Well I better go also, it's getting late and I think I have an English final coming up so I better study." I grabbed my backpack and gave Emily a hug before I headed out. Vinnie followed behind me without saying a word to the others and we started walking home.

"I think I messed up."

"What do you mean?" He was still on his phone, not really paying attention at all.

"Well there was this guy at school-" I lied as he stared down at the stupid screen. "Uh-huh" He said.

"And well he asked for my snap and then my number, so I just gave it to him." I smiled up at him and he continued, "Uh-huh."

I rolled my eyes and walked faster as he played his stupid game or whatever he was doing. He was so attached to that thing lately, but I didn't say anything because we weren't dating.

So it was none of my business.

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