dude, the popularity

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"Good job (Y/n), you're one more step to becoming a lesbian mess!" I heard as I walked down the hallway with Vinnie and Christian

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"Good job (Y/n), you're one more step to becoming a lesbian mess!" I heard as I walked down the hallway with Vinnie and Christian. I rolled my eyes as we got to our lockers.

"Bitches." I said under my breathe but Christian still laughed.

"They're just jealous that you're on the team and that you are the coach's daughter." Vinnie said. "And you hang out with the guys more than they do." Christian added.

"Plus we all know you had a thing for Tayton last year, so don't worry at least the football team knows you're not lesbian." I looked over at Vinnie and he laughed. "What? We all knew. You stared at his ass almost every practice, we aren't that stupid."

"And then when he transferred schools, her heart broke." Christian joked as he held up his hands in the shape of a heart and broke them apart.

"Shut up, I wasn't that obsessed." I took my books out of my locker and they looked at me seriously.

"I wAsn'T tHaT oBsEsSeD." Christian said in a mocking manner. Vinnie laughed as he saw Christian making faces at me. "You were purely in love, thank god he moved away."

"And why is that?" I asked as I got closer to him and his cheeks flushed a light pink. Grabbing onto his shirt, I smiled and he did too as he looked at me. "You never change Christian." I pushed him away from me and Vinnie looked at us.
"Same feelings for you since we were three." Vinnie added as we started to walk to our next class.

Christian brushed through his hair, "I don't like her like that anymore Vin, we're all best friends."

"Very true, now I've got class. I'll see y'all at lunch?" I asked as I opened the door to my Physics class.

"Yeah, see you Romo." They both said and I disappeared into my class for the first period.


"Johnson!" I yelled as I saw the guys at our usual lunch table. A couple girls stood by some of their boyfriends as they clearly weren't paying attention to them. I ruffled Alek Johnson's hair as I neared the table, "You owe me twenty bucks."

I went to my spot at the table and saw Vinnie and Christian beside me on both sides. They both ate their lunches fast and began talking with the other guys. I picked at the disgusting food, but still ate some so I had something in my stomach. I looked around us and saw another group of girls standing close to some of the guys but also looking at me with stern, disgusted faces. I ignored them as I went on my phone, but seconds later I heard one of them speak up. "Hey (Y/n), what are you doing?"

"I'm on my phone, clearly." I held up my phone and they rolled their eyes.

"I bet she's watching hentai." The dark skinned girl next to her added. I looked up at her and laughed, "I'm not, but I'm just wondering how you know what that is." I said and instantly her face went serious. She opened her mouth to say something, but stopped.

"What's that?" The third girl added.

"How do you know what it is?" She pushed back her curly black hair and leaned over to be close to me.

I looked at her and put my phone down, "I'm in a football team with hormonal guys, it's talked about." I stood and they all backed up, "Well if you're done, then I'm done here." I waved to them and smiled, "Bye Hentai." The girl gulped and grabbed her friend's arm as they started to walk away.

They were only a small group of people that didn't like us. We had people who wanted to be me or the guys, or they didn't want anything to do with us at all. Everyone knew about our groups business too, which was the main problem and why I kept my business to me and Christian. Vinnie didn't join the group until we were ten, he was too busy for five years to have friends who weren't douchebags, so when he sat with us for the first time it was a bit different. And now Christian, Vinnie, and I go everywhere, and yes I have problems with Vinnie. He's my opponent most of the time, but if I'm being honest he's fun to be around. Especially the one time that he invited us over to his house when we were twelve. There were these mini square sheets that laid there on a counter in house while his mom and dad were passed out on the couch. Christian took it first and then me, but Vinnie was too scared so I had to put it in his mouth.

When we were thirteen Vinnie kissed me on accident which made us make a pact with each other that we would never EVER have feelings for one another. It was dumb, but Christian made the rule because he was mad that Vinnie kissed me. He wanted it to be him, so I kissed him too and then I made them kiss which later lead to them washing their mouths with soap, but it'll never leave my thoughts when they almost threw up after the kiss. "Should we go pass the ball?"

Vinnie and Christian got up, throwing away their trash and following behind me as we all joked and pushed each against the metal lockers of the hell we lived in.

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