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Chenle was the second to "officially" wake up. His head hurt, but at least he wasn't dead.

Ten has been in out of consciousness, Sicheng out cold, while Yangyang had finally gathered enough strength to remain fully conscious. 

Ten and Yangyang shared the same room while Chenle was in the room next door with Sicheng. 

Jisung was talking with Chenle while Yuta took a nap. He sat in a chair next to Sicheng's bed, resting his head next to the younger's legs.

Taeyong carefully opened the door to Yangyang's room, heart swelling when he saw that he was awake.

He sat next to him and stroked his hair, "Hey." He said softly, "How're you feeling?"

"M'okay," Yangyang mumbled. "Water, please?" Taeyong nodded and asked a nurse for some water.

"Could you tell me who did this to you?" Taeyong watched his face tentatively, looking for any indicator that Yangyang was uncomfortable.

"He was always wearing a white mask. Hyung, I'm so sorry." Yangyang's voice started to shake and crack as Taeyong pulled him into a comforting hug. "I wish I could help you more."

Taeyong shushed him, "Hush, don't speak, just rest. You're in much more pain than you need to be." He gently stoked the younger's hair, "I haven't known as long as the others, but I swear, I will kill whoever did this to you." 

The Chinese boy nodded and Taeyong left the rom to check up on Chenle and Sicheng. Realizing the youngest members of his gang were immersed in their conversation, he quickly tried to leave.

Until, he heard Chenle's soft voice, "Hyung, can we get another puppy?" 

Taeyong made a pained face when he turned around and saw both Jisung and Chenle giving him, ironically, puppy eyes. The both of them were pouting, making it practically impossible for Taeyong to say no. 

"I think you'll have to sort it out once you're out of the hospital." He sighed as the two nodded eagerly. "I hate to do this to you, but Jisung, you need to go now."

"Aw, Hyung, why?" He whined and the older gave him a lopsided smile.

"You've been here all day and I'm sure Jaemin is worried for you. Do you really want him nagging at you?"

"Fair point." Jisung stood up and bid his goodbyes to Chenle. He hesitated for a bit before leaning down to give the older a peck on his forehead. 

Taeyong smiled fondly as the youngest rushed out of the room, face as red as a cherry. Chenle was no better. He looked like a tomato. 

Taeyong slowly shook Yuta awake after making his way over to him. Yuta rubbed his eyes as Taeyong forced him out of the room. 

He sent Yuta off to take Jisung home as Taeyong stayed to watch over the bed ridden members. 


"No, I cannot believe you're making us do this!"

"You need to stop fighting with each other."

"But using this? Hyung, you know full well that this will not possibly work."

"I've seen it on the internet. Seems to work fine."

"With, like, anime characters! Literally anyone who isn't real."

"It worked on Jisung."

"So what?! I ain't Jisung."

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