"Forty Seven„

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"I have a problem," Jeno announced. 

The younger members, excluding Donghyuck, Renjun, and Mark, were lazing around the dining room, eating pizza. Side note, it was 1:00 in the morning.

"Renjun's locked himself in his room and I have no idea why." He slumped into the between Jaemin and Lucas.

Sungchan walked into the room, frustrated, and threw his phone onto the ground before shooting it four times, leaving wholes in the phone and the floor. 

"What's with the aggression?" Chenle asked nervously. 

"Choi Youngjin has been texting me nonstop since this morning and won't stop trying to call me, begging for forgiveness." 

He crashed into the chair next to Jisung, quite literally. His weight made the chair scrape against the floor and he almost fell backwards. 

A very grumpy Jaehyun walked into the room. "Who's shooting who- Oh." He interrupted himself wen he saw Sungchan's destroyed phone. "Who's shooting their phone?"

Hendery pointed at Sungchan who was still sulking. "He said Youngjin won't stop texting him."

Jaehyun sighed. "Alright. Sungchan, you'll have a new phone and number by tomorrow and in the meantime, don't shoot any more phones."

He stuck out his hand and Sungchan begrudgingly gave him the gun. They watched Jaehyun walk out before turning back to each other. 

"So, Taeyong's already concluded that these attacks are targeted," Shotaro said, hoping to ease the building tension. 

"I think we've all come to that conclusion. But, why?" Xiaojun sighed and leaned back in his chair, combing his hair with his hand. 


"No one's that petty."

"Revenge, maybe."

"Then what's the point of killing someone like Taylor? He didn't even know Mark was in a gang." Jaemin sighed. 

"Did Doyoung's brother know?" Yangyang asked. 

Jisung nodded. "Yeah. Actually, Doyoung's parents started this gang. This is his house."

Chenle's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? Wow..."

"On another note, Renjun hasn't left his room in two days and he won't talk to us. I'm getting frustrated, and I want to kill or be killed." Jaemin groaned, leaning his head back and stared at the ceiling helplessly.

Shotaro sighed, leaning on his palm. "I think something happened to someone he knew. He's smart enough to know that it's stupid to get this worked up over school, and he isn't particularly... depressed either."

"His parents?" Jisung wondered. 

Yangyang instantly waved it off. "No, he hates them. They abandoned him here with his abusive aunt and uncle, then he was passed to his grandmother. When she died, he had no other choice but to go back to abusive aunt and uncle. He killed them, by the way."

They sat there, silent, thinking, when Jeno spoke, "He hasn't mentioned Mei Ling in a while..."

"Who?" Jaemin asked. 

"Mei Ling was his best friend in China and they still talk to each other. Usually once a week if they aren't busy."

Chenle paled, looking and feeling nauseous. "I have a feeling that if we looked, we'd find out that she's dead."

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