"Fifty Three„

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"He's what?!"

Johnny winced at the unexpected raise in volume, especially from someone as soft spoken as Doyoung. "He's been kidnapped."

There was silence then a bunch of shuffling.

"You're not coming back, right?"

"Oh, Johnny Suh, you can bet your ass I am and when I get back I will give you, Jaehyun, and whoever the fuck else is involved the lecture of your sorry, miserable lives. There'll be a powerpoint and everything."

"There's really no need-"

"YOU OF ALL FUCKING PEOPLE KNOW HOW TAEYONG IS!" And for some reason, getting shouted at by Doyoung would be worse than getting shouted at by Taeyong himself. "After knowing him for so long, you let him walk around by himself, while he's high off his ass on sleep deprivation?!"

Yeah, getting shouted at by Doyoung is the absolute fucking worst. Half because he could go on for hours, and getting shouted at by someone who looks really kind and like a bunny gives you more guilt than anything Johnny could imagine.

At the moment, all Johnny could do was take it, quietly.

Quietly until he says, "Does that mean you're scolding your boyfriends too?" Hoping to see that Doyoung was biased.

"Yes. If he- they were also aware of his state of mind, I will shout at them until their fucking ears bleed."

Okay, so he's a sadist, and a demon. Good to know.

Johnny listened to Doyoung pack up his things and shout, rather unceremoniously, to his parents that he was heading home. He listened patiently as Doyoung hailed a cab to the train station that would take them back to the city they lived him.

Once he was sitting in the cab, he asked Johnny to get whoever was involved. So, Johnny begrudgingly put down his phone and called for Jaehyun, Yuta, Ten, and Kun.

When they were all sitting together, on the floor of the living room, Doyoung asked Johnny to put him on speaker.

"I assume that everyone who is here was aware that Taeyong was not in the best head space." There were hums of affirmation. "And I'm assuming that at least a few of you watched him walked out the door?"

There seemed to be lightning in the air, everyone was on edge. There were more hums of affirmation, more reluctant this time.

"Okay." Doyoung's voice was unnervingly calm. You know, like the calm before the storm? Johnny had only heard him get like this at least once or twice and boy were they screwed. "When I get home, there's no telling what I'm going to do to you. However, after I'm done lecturing you, we're going to get him back, do you understand?"

More hums of affirmation; this is the shakiest Johnny has ever heard Kun's voice (who looked pretty dead inside, with no time to rejoice over his boyfriend coming home, because he was in trouble).

The call ended and they finally let out a breath. "He's going to rip us apart," Ten wailed.

They heard snickering at looked up to see the younger half trying their hardest to stifle their laughter.

"You guys looked and sounded pathetic," Shotaro snickered, earning a betrayed look from Yuta.

Jisung, when he finally got a hold of himself, gave them a sympathetic look. "I once received on of those lectures from Doyoung." Jeno felt Jaemin shudder next to him. "Good luck, Hyung, you'll need it."

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