"Fifty Five„

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Maybe, Taeyong should look into hiring a priest, or something. To, you know, get God to forgive him of his sins? To get him to be a righteous man, where the only thing important to him is his faith, just like everyone else. And yet, even in the end, the most important thing to him has always been them.

Obviously, because their voices are the last thing he can hear, calling out his name, as he feels his life slip through his fingertips.


It happens like this.

The moment the others join Ten and Renjun, the guards are immediately alerted. It shouldn't be a surprise, seeing as no one in NCT really knows what the concept of "silence" means

In all honesty, its' even less of a surprise when Donghyuck, because of course it's Donghyuck, yells, "I bet I'll have the highest body count for tonight's raid!" as guards start to surround them from all sides. 

Even when Chenle, because of course it's Chenle, yells back, "Alright, bet!" the only reaction the rest of them can muster up is something like an I-can't-believe-you've-done-this-to-us-but-I-also-kind-of expected-it face. 

Johnny didn't even get to say anything before Ten glared at him and practically growled out a firm, "No." Johnny didn't even want to join. 

But he totally would've won if he did. 

But, to literally everyone's surprise, Shotaro is the one who's count goes higher and higher in just the blink of an eye. 

Donghyuck would be staring down his victim with the meanest grin on his face, he'd close his eyes for not even a second, and when he opened them, the guy would be dead with Shotaro standing over his bloodied body, splattered in blood, and giving the rest of the gang a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. 

They avoided looking at his eyes, too, as they were dark and soulless. 

Jaehyun knew, though, more than anyone, that he was enjoying himself right now. If anything, this was a relaxing hobby for him. 

He knew, better than anyone, that Shotaro used to be a merciless assassin for one of Japan's most powerful yakuza before they had started fighting each other. A civil war had broken out and they were torn apart. 

Shotaro was found bloody, bruised, and practically on the brink of death when Jaehyun found him. He decided to take pity on the boy, saving his life and in return, Shotaro would join his gang.

And, just in case you were asking, no, Sungchan's pants did not feel tight... Okay, maybe a little.

As it turns out, this basement is filled with twisting and turning hallways, half of them leading to dead ends. They didn't get too lost, miraculously, only needing to follow the trail of bodies they had been leaving behind. 

"Shotaro, you are fucking terrifying," Donghyuck giggled, albeit a little nervously. 

It was not helped when Shotaro looked him dead in the eyes and said, "Could you do it too, Hyuck?"

Donghyuck shuddered because fuck, Shotaro was actually really fucking scary

Jaemin whistled. "Let's move on, then."

It was nearly an hour of searching. They had decided to split up into the three teams when they had found a staircase leading to three different hallways. 

They were down too deep; they had lost connection with Doyoung and the others, and couldn't communicate through their masks.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2022 ⏰

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