"Twenty Eight„

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When the group arrived home, Yuta instantly cupped Sicheng's face to see what had happened to it. The poor boy had a couple of nasty bruises and a sore back from falling off a tree, but nothing too serious. 

Jungwoo had a sore arm and a headache from hitting his head against a wall. Kun says that all he needs is a little rest and time with Lucas, without sex. The young couple gladly excepted these terms and headed up to their room to rest.

Of course, no one could form any sentences when they watched Mark and Donghyuck interact when the unit got home. They had a strange relationship; one moment they were at each other's throats, the next acting like they were dating.

"Markeu," Donghyuck skipped over to the older and gave him a side hug. "How were the missions?"

"It was okay..." Mark replied nervously. He still got a little jumpy around Donghyuck, trying to get used to having to do whatever the younger pleased for a month. 

"Anything else besides that?" Donghyuck rested his chin on Mark's shoulder, practically breathing on his neck.

"Can- can I have cuddles?" Mark asked sheepishly. He was so quiet, almost no one heard him. They wouldn't have if the room wasn't so silent, the atmosphere almost suffocating. But, not to Donghyuck. 

The tanned boy smiled happily and pulled the older towards his room, opting to stop on the way at a shower to allow Mark to clean himself up. 

"Does anyone else think they've been acting strange, lately?" Yangyang wondered, moving his head off of his boyfriend's chest as he watched the two retreat up the stairs. "Like, I'm pretty sure Mark doesn't like being around Hyuckie."

"Besides catching them making out in the woods yesterday, no, not at all." Jaehyun was clearly being sarcastic during the last part. 

"You caught them doing what?" Jisung stared at him, eyes wide.

"They were making out yesterday?"

Jisung gasped dramatically. "I will be having a talk with Mark today, or tomorrow." He announced before retiring to his room. 

"Dramatic ass," Doyoung muttered and rolled his eyes, smiling none the less.

Once Yuta finished making sure Sicheng was okay and sending him to Kun's office, he dragged Doyoung into the garage. 

"Those two seem pretty close," Taeyong said, watching the two.

"Well, Yuta promised Doyoung lollipops if he didn't expose him to his crush." Ten replied. 

"So that's where he's getting those lollipops from?"

Ten hummed and nodded. Then, he walked up the stairs towards Johnny's room. Sure, he had his own room, but he much preferred cuddling with the older rather than being alone. 

On his way up, he passed by Sungchan's room where the younger was comforting Jaemin. 

"I want to confess, but what if they just think I'm weird?" He stressed. Sungchan had been trying for past half an hour to tell him that his crushes looked at him like sex driven predators. An exaggeration but you get the point.

"Hyung, I'm serious, they're probably in love with you. They're basically eye fucking you at every possible moment." Sungchan rubbed his face, tired of having the same conversation for the nth time. 

"Oh, sure they do and Mark and Donghyuck are making out right now." 

Upon making that claim, Sungchan stood up and left the room and a very confused Jaemin. He came back a while later and said, "They're making out."

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