"Fifty Four„

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"How long have you been staring at him?"

"A while now."

"How long are you planning to continue staring at him?"

"It depends. I want to scare the shit out of him. I want my boyfriend back."

Ten looked at him for a solid 10 seconds and chuckled. "I'm sorry, Jaehyun, but you don't look an ounce intimidating with that hair."

Jaehyun reached up to touch his hair, wondering what was wrong with it. He looked at his reflection through the glass and saw that it was standing up all over. 

Well, he did just wake up from a nap, after all. 

"Another thing," Ten said, "he can't fucking see you. He's on the other side of the glass. We can see him, but he can't see us."

Jaehyun turned away, both to avoid having to look into Ten's snake eyes and to hide his red cheeks. Ten could most definitely see the color on his cheeks, by the way. 

Ten peaked down at his phone; Yangyang and Shotaro should be arriving some time soon.

Speak of the devils, the door behind them opened and the two walked in with a pistol each and a box of bullets. 

"Hey, kids. What exactly are you planning to do?" Jaehyun asked, eyeing the guns in their hands. 

"Well, last time we met, we tied him to a tree and played Russian Roulette with him," Shotaro explained. "We're doing it again, but this time, there'll be two bullets instead of one."

"We won't kill him, don't worry," Yangyang assured him, looking at him strangely. "Say, Hyung, why are your cheeks so red?"

Jaehyun cleared his throat awkwardly and walked towards the door. "I've gotta go walk Kitty, see you later."

Right, but Kitty is dead.

Shotaro and Yangyang turned to Ten just as the door shut. Understanding their silent questions, he answered, "He was trying to intimidate the guy with his messy bed hair, but he forgot that he couldn't be seen from this side of the glass."

Yangyang rolled his eyes while Shotaro snickered. "Well, you guys do your job, alright? Doyoung wants results within the next 45 minutes, or so."

The two younger members entered the interrogation room and found sick pleasure twisting un their stomachs as his face visibly paled. 

"We have a licensed doctor on standby, so you don't have to worry too much about dying," Shotaro gave him a smile that was just a little too sweet. "If you answer our questions quickly, you either won't have to worry at all, or we'll make you death quick."

"You better tell us the fucking truth, too," Yangyang sneered. "We know when you're lying."

That was a bluff, both he and Shotaro knew it, but Youngjin did not. The only person, among the 23 total gang members, that could tell the difference between someone telling the truth and lying, was Jungwoo. But he's currently in Hongkong with Lucas and Hendery.

They asked if they could call him for this, but he said, "tones tend to fall flat over the phone," whatever that means. 

And so, it begun. They asked him several different questions and he was much more compliant this time around, only having been shot four times compared to the nine last time. 

Once they were done, they handed him over to Kun and headed to Doyoung's room to inform him of what they've found. 

They opened the door to his room and found... trauma. They closed the door immediately afterwards. 

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