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"Jaemin, you know you aren't allowed coffee on this mission." Mark scolded him.

Jaemin groaned, "I know, but I needed it. You won't tell Johnny Hyung, right?"

Mark sighed. "Just don't give me a reason to."

Jaemin danced a little in triumph as Mark went back to watching the doors of the building in front of them.

They were on the same roof, facing the same building as the last time. However, they didn't bring Hendery and they had cameras this time.

"Do you think we'll get caught?" Sungchan wondered out loud.

"We'll beat their asses of we do." Jisung answered, looking through his camera lens.

Mark rolled his eyes at them. Sometimes, they act a little too much like children. 

The night was cool and breezy. There were a multitude of noises and they blended in together. Although, the door opening behind caught their attention.

Mark swore under his breath. They've just been caught and cornered, again. 

"This is why you don't do jobs on a roof. There's nowhere to run." Mark recognized this new voice. It was the same soft and timid one, it held an accent. 

It was Osaki Shotaro.

Mark whispered to Jisung and Sungchan while Jaemin kept watch on the boys in front of him. 

"Keep watching the doors. We need those pictures. We'll cover you."

Jisung nodded and kept his eyes on the entrance, camera in hand. Sungchan nodded as well. Neither of them made any indications of their emotions.

Mark turned back towards the two boys who had walked in on them. Jaemin was still staring them down, his empty cup of coffee long forgotten. 

"Fancy seeing you here, again." The male with black hair, the one we saw yesterday, spoke up. 

I decided to ignore them and turn to Jaemin. "What's our escape plan?" I whispered.

"There's a rope," he jerked his head to the left. There was a rope hanging off the side of the building.

"Oh god no." Mark cursed under his breath.

"Yeah." Jaemin nodded, still staring at the two males in front of us who were also talking amongst themselves. "We jump, use the rope to swing into the window and run down the the motorcycles Johnny and Kun Hyung placed outside the building."

"When did they do that?"

"Earlier today."

Mark sighed and shook his head. Of course Johnny would come up with such an elaborate plan.

"So, boys," Shotaro, or who Mark presumed to be Shotaro, started, "what are you four doing here?"

It was strange. The Shotaro Mark sat next to in class was very timid, quiet, and awkward. This guy in front of him, however was almost completely different.

He was confident, almost smug. Even though he was wearing a mask, Mark could still tell he was smirking. The only thing that wasn't different, was his voice. 

No doubt, he sounded like a foreigner. Like Winwin, Kun, Hendery, and even himself when he first moved here. Meaning, he hasn't been speaking Korean for very long.

"Well," Jaemin spoke, using his deeper voice, "we're just watching you."

"Tsk." The dark haired male rolled his eyes, "You sound like creeps."

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