"Twenty Two„

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When the kids finally got back from school, Johnny sat them down with the younger members of WayV. 

"Can't we go to our rooms?" Renjun whined, "I'm tired."

"You don't have rooms anymore." Those five words caused fear and anxiety to spike in four of them. Realizing his word choice, Johnny quickly corrected himself, "No, wait that's not what I meant. I'm sorry. I only meant that-"

Johnny took a deep breath and started again, "Yesterday, Taeyong decided he was bored of his room, so we're switching it up. All of your stuff has been cleared out and you can choose new rooms.

"But," he stopped them before they could even stand up, "there are a few new rules. Most of Dream will be only the second floor with Sungchan and Shotaro. WayV is on the third floor, and 127 is on the fourth floor. Be warned, some of you may have to pair up."

Jaemin immediately put a hand on Jisung's arm, but the younger pushed him away. 

"You said most of Dream..." Jeno sighed already knowing where this was going. 

"Yes, because Mark and Donghyuck will be on the fourth floor and the attic with 127." 

"Understandable, now I need my window." Before Johnny could stop him, Sungchan stood up, grabbed the box with his name on it, and left. He walked up the stairs and took back his own room. 

"He is something else..." Johnny shook his head. "Anyways, the rest of you can go, I guess."

Hendery grabbed Lucas and said, "You and I are sharing a room, Wong buddies!"

"But, Jungwoo-"

"Suck it up," Hendery grabbed his box, got behind Lucas, and pushed him.

"I call dibs on the attic." Mark yelled, grabbing his box and moving up the stairs. 

Donghyuck rolled his eyes, "Right then. I guess I've got a room on the fourth floor."

Johnny sighed, "The rest of you?"

"Yangyang and I will share," Xiaojun said. "And, no, we won't fuck all the time, if that's what you're worried about."

Johnny laughed, "Sure, now go." He watched the two of them walk away before turning to the rest. "Are you just going to sit here or what? Go sort out your rooms."

They nodded, grabbed their boxes and left. Jisung was still rejecting Jaemin. 


"Are you sure about this?"


"Are you absolutely sure."

"This isn't the first time we've worked with them! You can can trust them again."

"Yes, Hyung, but..."

"But, what?"

"We can do this, but we should ask him first. After all, you know what they managed to put him through."

"Fine, go get him."

Kun came back a few minutes later with Sungchan. The younger was confused when he stepped into Taeyong's office. Doyoung was there too.

"What is it, Hyung?" He looked around and remembered the time he burst in and interrupted a meeting.

The leader sighed. "That mission we went on, a few weeks ago. We were going to get Xiaojun and we found six kids and a woman. They all had the same injection scars as you."

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