"Thirty Eight„

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"Can't one of you just fucking give in?!" Jisung stared at the two older boys. "You've been beating around the bush for too long. Just fucking date!" 

Both Mark and Donghyuck refused. The two were the only ones who had been refusing alcohol. They were, once again, all in the back garden to celebrate both New Year's and Kun's birthday.

"He's right, Mark. You can't keep avoiding this. Just confess! If you don't, you're a pussy!" Johnny shouted from across the garden. 

Mark glared at him. "I don't see you asking your crush out!" 

"Actually," he pulled Ten closer to him, "I already have!"

"Fuck you!" 

The members who spoke English laughed at their conversation. 

"When I first met Mark, he spoke English with me. He was actually pretty charismatic and almost intimidating." Jaehyun smiled laying down next to Yuta. "Although, it's clear, now, that he can pick and choose when he wants to be like that."

"Yeah, Mark definitely seems more... insane, I guess."

"God, you want insane? We went to the U.S. once and Johnny and Mark hid from me." Doyoung scoffed. "We were in a foreign country, I had never been to a target, I could barely speak the language and Seo Youngho decided that it'd be funny to hide from me."

Kun, who's heard the story before, smiled sweetly while tenderly patting on the back. His other arm was firmly wrapped around Taeil, who was seated on his lap. 

He was only there because Kun wanted this. And it was his birthday, so Taeil just couldn't deny him. 

He also slapped Ten after he said that he'd do it even if it wasn't Kun's birthday. Which was true, but he'd never admit it. Ten was sure that Kun would let him, even Doyoung seemed okay with it. 

Jisung and Sungchan were still trying to get the two to drink. 

Mark harshly shoved away any alcohol offered to him, resulting in multiple broken bottles of who knows what at this point. 

Xiaojun and Yangyang were once again trying to get into Hendery's pants, for lack of a better term. 

He kept trying to say no but he clearly gave in once Lucas saw him reenter the house with the couple seemingly glued to either side of him.

Jungwoo and Lucas were not the drunkest people there. That title was reserved for either Sicheng or Taeyong, both of whom were still trying to see how many glasses they could take before they passed out. 

Spoiler alert, Sicheng was winning, by a lot. 

Shotaro was casually drinking while bonding with Jaemin over, what they called, 'couple problems.' 

Alluding to either the amount of times they've had to listen to the most intimate moments of the couples they live with, due to thin ass walls, the couple Jaemin currently doesn't know how to feel about but is obviously pining after, the couples who clearly don't want to get with each other (exhibit A: Mark and Donghyuck), or all three. 

Apart from Mark and Donghyuck refusing to admit their feelings for one another, despite the younger of the two asking out the other, Chenle and Jisung also refused to talk to each other.

This started soon after Sungchan had defenestrated Jisung. No one knew why, but they could barely look each other in the eyes.

Even at school, their classmates noticed the sudden tension between them. A good friend of theirs, Stephen Yoon, had even tried to lock them in a room together. 

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