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Today, we will not be focusing on the kids in school. We will, in fact, do the complete opposite. 

Back at home, Doyoung was ripping his hair out. His obsession, his need to please him, was getting out of hand and Kun knows it.

"He won't calm down."

"He does know it's okay if he messes up, right?"

"I don't know. All I want to do is help him, but he's just going to push me away and say 'I'm fine' when in reality he's not."

Johnny gave Kun a comforting look. Conversations like this had occurred before. It wasn't unknown to anyone on their gang that there was some weird love triangle.

Love triangle? Between who?

Kun, Doyoung, Taeyong. 

It was exceptionally weird and strange. Everyone knows about how Doyoung feels about Taeyong. He's in love. He constantly wants to impress him.

Taeyong doesn't feel the same way. He never could. Especially if his heart still felt for another. Granted, he hasn't seen them in years, but he's still in love.

Kun, as far as Johnny knows, has at least a small crush on Doyoung. However, unlike Doyoung, he doesn't express his love for him.

It was confusing and near to problematic. You could barely count how many times arguments had come up due to this triangle.

Kun flinched when he heard another crash come from Doyoung's rooms. 

"I'm going to go check on him."

Kun got up and walked over to Doyoung's door. There is a bunny sticker front and center on the door, courtesy of Jungwoo and Sungchan.

He knocked on the door, but there was no answer. So, he opened the door. The room was dark and there was a mess on the floor. 

Doyoung had been tasked with coming up with a new device that would allow them to talk to each other on missions. One that couldn't easily be seen.

He was having a hard time just designing it to make it compact. In frustration, he threw his books, papers, and designs on the floor.

Kun found him lying on his bed, back facing the door. He was still awake because his breathing was sporadic. If he was asleep, it would be even.

"Bunny," Kun called out to him, "are you okay?"

Bunny was a nickname given to him by the members. They constantly spoke about how he resembled one.

The younger didn't move. So, Kun walked over and sat down next to him. He stroked the younger's hair.

"Doyoung, I need you to talk to me."

"Why." His voice was hoarse. He had been shouting in frustration earlier. "You aren't some therapist."

Kun laughed, "You must have forgotten. I have a license. To be both a doctor and a therapist, so yes. I am a therapist." 

Doyoung groaned, rolling to face the wall. He tried to separate himself from Kun, but with so little space on his bed, there weren't many places he could escape to.

"You should take a break and clean your room." Kun looked at him with worried eyes. "Start over tomorrow."

"I can't. I need a design by tonight and I have to finish building it in two days."

"Who gave you those deadlines?"

"I gave them to myself."

Kun sighed, exasperated. "Well, those deadlines are stupid. I, as your doctor and therapist-"

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