"Thirty Three„

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Sicheng woke up in Kun's office but instead of seeing Kun, he saw Johnny. He was sleeping peacefully in a corner of the room. 

When attempting to get put of the hospital bed, Sicheng felt a small prick on the inside of his elbow and a sharp pain in his lower abdomen. 

He gasped in pain and harshly fell back onto the bed awaking Johnny. He rushed over to the younger and, as gently as he could, slapped his cheek. 

"Sicheng, you idiot! If you see that you're in a hospital bed, your first instinct should not be to get up especially when you've been stabbed!"

The younger deadpanned and kept a stoic face as Johnny scolded him. Once he finally stopped, Sicheng raised an eyebrow as if to say, "are you done yet?"

The two just glared at each other, playfully, before Sicheng asked, "What happened?"

He had been out like a light for the past two days, so his memory was a little hazy. Johnny, however, didn't know what happened and told him to wait for Kun. 

The thing is, though, they know who stabbed him already but they don't know what led up to that moment. 

The only thing Sicheng could remember is that he let Xiaojun wait the table instead of him. He was minding his own business when one of the men came up from behind and tried to talk to him. Then, things went black. 

What they talked about, or tried to talk about, was forgotten. 

Xiaojun had actually seen the entire thing. When he went to wait the men's table, they weren't happy. They wanted Sicheng.

They were constantly asking for Sicheng to come over but Xiaojun was persistent and told them no. 

Not choosing to give up, one of them stood up and walked over to him. He attempted to get his attention but Sicheng wouldn't take it. He rejected the man and started walking away. 

Then, he was stabbed. Right in the stomach. The man had wrapped a hand around his waist to do so. The reason as to why he stabbed him was even more absurd. 

Xiaojun clearly remembers hearing, "you aren't a girl," and looking over to see a knife lodged into Sicheng's stomach. 

It was like they all felt it. Even before he was stabbed, everyone felt a certain shiver down their spine. They couldn't explain it either. They just knew. 

Kun had told Taeil, being the only two people that could contact each other. They and 127 had arrested the men they were watching but Sicheng took first priority. 

Yuta didn't seem to care about whatever Taeyong had told him just before he rushed over to where WayV had been doing their mission. He refused to leave Sicheng alone until Taeil and Kun had to perform surgery on him.

It's almost funny how they had left all those people in their cars, in front of their house, so they could attend to Sicheng. They sat in there for hours with absolutely no one caring. 

Due to the length of the ride, Sicheng almost died. He nearly bled out in Yuta's arms. Thankfully, they managed to get there just in time. 

"I don't think I'm ready to do anymore missions, for now." Sicheng gasped out once Xiaojun finished telling him the story. 

The younger scoffed. "I don't think Taeyong would let you."


Donghyuck was starving. He would cook for himself but he was simply too lazy. He mulled over the thought of asking Doyoung to cook for him until he had a better idea. 

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