"Forty Six„

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Mark got the news the next day. He was in the middle of class when he was called to the principal's office. Jaemin was too, but for... support. 

A few snickers and hushed whispers floated around the class as they left. 

"We aren't in trouble, right?" Jaemin asked in a quiet voice, laughing nervously.

"I don't know. I guess we'll see."

As soon as they stepped inside, they noticed something was off. For one, Johnny and Ten were there, as well as Taeyong. Each one of them, including the principal, had a worried look on their face. 

"Mark, Jaemin, please sit down," Principal Suho offered. He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose and sighed. "Mark, I'm terribly sorry to inform you of this, but your brother... he was found dead earlier today."

Time stopped. Everything did. 

Taylor... he couldn't possibly be dead, right? He just got married, he just adopted a little girl. Mark hasn't even met her yet. He wouldn't just die like that, right?

Johnny's hand on his shoulder reminded him to breathe. He choked on his tears, raising a hand to his mouth, shaking his head. He's not dead. He can't be. 

Jaemin rushed over to his side and enveloped him in a hug, feeling Mark cry into his shoulder. 

The door suddenly burst open, but Mark couldn't think about that right now. Jeno and Sungchan were trying to stop him from entering but he weaseled his way out of their grasp. 

"Let go of me, I want to know why my boyfriend is here!" He shouted and shoved Jeno off of him. "Mark, what's wrong?" He asked as he crouched down in front of the older. Mark just continued to shake his head.

Donghyuck kept trying to get the older to speak, but he didn't, he turned to Taeyong. "Why is he like this? What happened?"


He turned and saw Jaemin glaring at him; now was not the time for an interrogation. 

By this point, students were starting to crowd around the door, trying to see what was happening. Only until the rest of their friends slipped inside and closed the door. 

"Mark, Ten and I are going to take you to Canada, okay?" Johnny kneeled to be eye level with him, waiting for his answer.

Just like that, he was gone. Johnny and Ten had flown with him back to Canada just an hour later for the funeral. 

Taeyong was waiting to call a meeting when Doyoung had received a phone call.

It immediately induced panic. 

"Hyung, what do you mean if you die?! Stay with me! Don't fucking die on me!" He rushed around grabbing looking for the car keys. "Where are you, I'm on my way!"

There was loud, pained yell that everyone in the room could here, then the line went dead. He stood there, eyes wide in fear and panic. The phone slipped from his hands, hitting the floor with a thud, as he stood there, completely unmoving and his breaths labored. 

No one moved, everyone was too shocked, watching as Doyoung sank to his knees and cried out in agony, screaming for his Hyung.

Kun moved first, rushing over to him. "Doyoung, what happened?" 

He couldn't speak, only cry. 

He just listened to his brother get murdered. 


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