"Fifty One„

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"How did I get here?" Shotaro asked. The last few hours of his day had seemingly disappeared from his memories. 

"We had to drag you because you were too busy crying over something stupid," Chenle answered, eyeing the building in front of him.

Oh, yeah. He was finishing up Assassination Classroom.

"Well, it's not my fault I didn't want Koro Sensei to die." He felt himself start to tear up again. 

"Was it a good idea to send us here?" Jisung muttered, staring worriedly at his group. 

Donghyuck laughed and patted him on the back. "Of course, you have me!"

"I think that's why he's worried," Sungchan deadpanned. 

At the moment, Donghyuck was the oldest in their group, Jisung was the youngest, and everyone else was in between. 

"I wish Mark was here," Yangyang sighed. "He knows how these kind of missions work."

Donghyuck gave him an offended look. "Do you not trust me?"

"I've lived with you for nearly five years now, so I can say from experience, you are never to be trusted." 

"You wound me, my love," Donghyuck cried, feigning tears.

Sungchan cackled from behind them, "I'm gonna tell Mark Hyung that you called Yangyang 'my love.'"

"Please don't," Jisung winced. "Then he'll be sad and Johnny Hyung will get mad."

It was safe to say that, of everyone in their gang, Johnny was the most protective of Mark. Everyone shuddered and silently agreed that they would not be tempting God. 

Or Satan.

Anyways, last night, Johnny and Ten had returned from Chicago. The entire gang was so out of it, that no one noticed their return until earlier this morning. After that, they had devised a plan to save Shotaro's cousin. 


"If we save Soul, then they will have no one to use against you!" Taeyong pleaded with Theo to try and get him to tell them where they could be hiding. 

Yet, he refused. 

"This is impossible," Taeyong groaned. 

"No, send Shotaro in to talk to him. Believe it or not, this is what his previous life was like." Jaehyun stared at the man behind the glass. 

"Should I ask?"

"Maybe some other day."

Shotaro stumbled through the door, nearly tripping over his own feet. Once he steadied himself, he gave Theo a sweet smile. 

"Hi!" Shotaro smiled wider and just about everyone felt their heart burst. "My name is Osaki Shotaro and if you didn't know, Haku Shota is my cousin."

Theo's eyes widened, but turned his eyes to the wall to his left. Shotaro sighed and pulled up a chair from the corner to sit in front of him. 

"Listen, I know what you're going through-"

"Don't fucking lie to me," Theo spat at him.

Shotaro stopped momentarily, shocked. After a moment or two, he smiled and stood up. He listed his shirt, showing the dragon tattooed onto his back. The word 'assassin' written in bold under it. 

Taeyong's eyes widened. As far as he was concerned, that was the marking of a powerful yakuza that went out just two years ago. 

He looked at Jaehyun who only nodded. 

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