"Forty Three„

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"I hate planes," Hansol grumbled, eyeing the small aircraft in front of him. 

"Again, Sol, get over yourself," Kun rolled his eyes at the older. 

Lucas and Sicheng, since they were the biggest among them, carried the boxes of supplies onto the plane. 

There was everything from spare clothes, since they were probably still in their pajamas, medical supplies, weapons, and food. The food was, of course, cooked by Kun.

"Say good bye to your pets now," Kun told them. "We probably aren't gonna be home until tomorrow."

It was really just directed to Ten, Chenle, Lucas, and Hendery, but they all dashed into the house, leaving Kun with Hansol. 

"I swear to God, if all of their missions involved the pets, they'd be way more motivated." Hansol laughed at his words, giving him an encouraging pat on the back before boarding the plane.

Kun did catch Chenle trying to sneak Daegal onto the plane and told him to put her back. Of course, the younger wasn't to happy about it, but it wasn't like he was going to risk angering Kun. 

After making sure everyone was ready, Kun started the plane and they were flying off to Macau. 

Most of the twenty three of them were going to have their own seats on this plane. Maybe a few would have to sit on another's lap... Just maybe. 

Hendery sat by the window, gazing out longingly and Lucas sat next to him. "I don't think I've ever seen you look like this," he teased. 

"I'm not gonna lie, I miss Macau. It's just that, my dad is the entire reason why I was so depressed... I'm scared to see him again."

Lucas gave him a reassuring smile. "I'll be right by your side, right? We've known each for years. Come on, we're the Wong brothers! We can do this!" He raised his fists in the air, with his usual chaotic energy. 

Seeing as they were speaking Cantonese, only Xiaojun understood. And despite how tense he's been, he laughed at Lucas because he thought he was being cute. Hendery laughed as well, fist-bumping Lucas. 

Ever since Hendery joined, even when he couldn't speak, Lucas always referred to the two of them ad the Wong brothers, even when on official missions. Hendery  didn't really like the term until after Lucas got him to smile. 

Kun's voice cracked through the airplane's speaker, "Hello everyone, this is your captain speaking. I'd like to remind you that Lucas and Hendery will be going in about thirty minutes before the rest of us to distract his dad."

They did end up agreeing on Hendery's plan to have him go in first with someone, Lucas, and distract his dad as everyone else escaped. Kun would be their mode of transportation, getting everyone to and from the plane. 

Hansol would be making a big entrance, as big as it could get without alerting anyone, and surprising everyone with his "aliveness." Afterwards, the rest will join, excluding Yangyang and Xiaojun, to explore the rest of the house.

Yangyang and Xiaojun, because of how tense they were, had to be with Kun. Even if they didn't mean to, Kun knew their possessiveness combined with their destructive behavior could ruin the mission. He'd handcuff them to himself if need be. 

Yes, he took a pair of Johnny's handcuffs for just in case. 

They landed after three hours and forty five minutes. In that time, Chenle had taken a nap, Renjun had painted a masterpiece, Sicheng and Yangyang decorated another gun, Hansol had painted one of his blank masks, Xiaojun had read half of a book, and Hendery and Lucas had talked, almost the entire time. 

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