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"You're so stupid," Doyoung told Taeyong. "Well, not just you, but everyone is. If I were there, I would've murdered you."

"I know, Doyoung." Taeyong sighed. "I didn't mean to start an argument, but both Jeno and Donghyuck have been suspended now."

"Do you need me to come home?"

"What? No, of course not. You should take all the time you need, okay? Johnny and Ten will be back in a few days, I'll be fine."

"Alright. You better do something about this whole... argument thing. I'll talk to Kun and Taeil, but if I hear that you're still arguing, you're dead meat when I get home."

"Of course, bunny. Go to bed, you sound exhausted."

"You better do it sooner rather than later, okay? Because, if you're right, then they're trying to tear down your defenses."

They ended the call and Taeyong saw a single message from Johnny that read, "You guys are so childish."

Taeyong only replied with a middle finger. Classy, Taeyong, so classy. 

However, despite not wanting to admit it, Doyoung was right. This is probably exactly what they were trying to do.

But, why?

"That's the million dollar question, Yong." Johnny told him over the phone one day. "What if it happened before you joined the gang? Or even in your early days?"

"I've done a lot of shit, even during those days. I can only think of one thing... but it's not likely."

"Why not?"

"Because they're all dead."

"Maybe they came back to life?"

"Don't fuck around." Taeyong sighed and leaned back against his desk. "Five days now, right?"

"In your time, yes."

So, Taeyong reluctantly left his office. It was already dark out. He carefully crept down the hall to Jeno and Donghyuck's room.

He lifted his fist to knock on the door, but there were hurried knocks on the front door. Then, the door bell started ringing. 

Jungwoo had designed the bell to wake up everyone in the house, since it was so big. 

But, one time was enough. This person wouldn't stop pressing it, over and over again, making Tears by So Chanwhee play all throughout the house. 

The moment Taeyong opened the door, the person on the other side ran into the house and hid under the Couch.

Taeyong closed the door and walked over to whoever was hiding under their couch just as the others started emerging from their rooms. 

"Jungwoo, that doorbell is a menace," Xiaojun grumbled. Jungwoo only gave him a coy smile. 

Taeyong ignored them and crouched down to see who was under the couch and found a familiar face. 

"Hansol, why are you hiding under our couch?" Taeyong asked as he dragged him out.

 "So, I'm being attacked..." 

"Again? By who?"

"The country's best assassin ever: Theo." Hansol's eyes flickered around the room. "I just finished a job and I was roof Jumping home when I was shot at! Oh, yeah... I'm bleeding."

Kun stepped forward and dragged Hansol away to fix the bullet wound in his abdomen.

"It's a miracle he isn't dead..."

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