"Thirty Six„

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"Baby!" Someone called out. Yangyang dashed down the stairs and crashed into Xiaojun's arms. 

Mark, who was just walking by the stairs, was pushed to the ground, not intentionally though. 

He stared into space for a while, trying to collect his thoughts. He heard someone chuckle before he was hauled to his feet by someone holding his waist. 

When he finally focused, he met eyes with the one and only Lee Donghyuck. The younger made a kissy face at him but he removed himself from his arms and ran back up the stairs. 

"I don't even get a welcome back kiss," he pouted. 

"Mark was never big on skin ship, anyways." Lucas shrugged next to him. 

"Anyways-" Donghyuck ran up the stairs, yelling for Jaemin. 

"What?!" Jaemin shouted after he burst into the room. 

Donghyuck sank down on the bed, pulling out his phone and opening it. Once he was done, he threw it, face down, on the bed.

"Look at it." Donghyuck instructed after seeing Jaemin stare at him in confusion. When he did, he screamed. 

The screen displayed a picture of Jisung. More specifically, the one Donghyuck had taken in Jeju just a few hours earlier. 

He had his gun in some guy's mouth and had blood all splatter across his face, even staining his white shirt. His eyes were cold, a hint of insanity peaking through. It was nothing like Jaemin had ever seen.

"When the fuck was this!?" He screamed, staring at the picture, then back at Donghyuck. 

The older only shrugged. "When we were in Jeju, we had to kill these people who had taken Jisung but he did it all on his own."

Jaemin got up and ran out the door, screaming, "Taeyong Hyung! Look at his."

Donghyuck quickly followed suit shouting back, "That's my phone, dipshit!" 

Watching the two of them run around, fighting over the phone, was amusing. "If Johnny were here, he'd probably be laughing his ass off," Jaehyun noted.

Before he knew it, the two boys had run up to him and were asking him where his boyfriend was. 

"He's in the field with Sungchan and Shotaro. They should be back any minute now." Yangyang called out from where he was with Xiaojun. 

Jaemin sighed. "I'll go prepare a bath, then," he mumbled. 

"Why?" Donghyuck spun around to watch him leave. 

"Because Taeyong is trying to find what their best fighting styles are so he can utilize their skills." Doyoung answered. "It's really harsh, you're lucky you didn't have to go through it." 


It been a week. Kun and Johnny had met up with them outside of an abandoned warehouse. 

"Is this their base?" Taeyong stared at the building.

"It's ours. Theirs is that one." Johnny pointed at an even bigger building in the distance. It's definitely what they needed to hold hundreds of people. 

"They didn't actually sell..." Jaemin's voice trailed off but his question was understood. 

Johnny chuckled. "God, no. They have to be quote-unquote prepared for a month. It's only been a week so there's no way." 

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