"Forty Eight„

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The police were at their house. 

Chenle didn't know what to do as he watched Baekhyun's team remove the pictures off of their glass door, keeping them as evidence. 

"Hello, Princess," Kun slumped down next to him. 

"Hello, old man."

"Respect your elders!" Kun couldn't keep glaring at Chenle, though. "We shouldn't tell them about the pictures."

Chenle shook his head. "What are we going to do?"

Kun only sighed. "I'm not sure, but I think we should focus on cheering up Donghyuck and Renjun so they can go back to school."

"And what about you?"

"What about me?"

"You're depressed because Doyoung Hyung is gone."

Kun nodded. "Taeil and I... We're struggling, but he's been calling us. Admittedly, it's not as often as we had hope, but it's understandable, considering his brother is... Well, you know."

"I don't think it's fair," Yangyang said as he joined them. "If they had a problem with certain group members, they should take it out directly on them without harming innocent people. We all know how to fight anyways."

He had a point but at the moment, all they could do is nod sadly and watch the police do their work. 


Thankfully, Donghyuck was back at school. Renjun was there physically, but he wasn't in the right headspace for it. All he wanted to do was lay down and cry. Or sleep. 

The first thing Donghyuck did was fight with another student and unlike what he would usually do, Renjun made no effort to separate them and just watched. 

By the time the others had found them, it was too late. Donghyuck was suspended, almost expelled if not for the fact the kid had started the fight, and the kid he fought was sent to the hospital for a broken arm, nose, and rib.

Of course, Taeyong scolded Donghyuck when they got home, but it the end, found that his actions were probably justified.

Not that they were right, of course, but he could understand why he did that. 

"There's no fucking way he said something like that!" Yangyang exclaimed when he recounted what happened. 

Donghyuck nodded. "He said that he was a whore for having two boyfriends and no, I will not allow my best friends to be slandered like that."

It started as a simple conversation, actually. The two walking peacefully, side by side, when Jaemin was brought into the conversation. 

Donghyuck understood why the kid needed these thick glasses, now, because he didn't notice that he and Jaemin were friends and sat together all the time.

"Speaking of annoying people, you know Na Jaemin, right?"

Donghyuck tensed and stiffly nodded, which the kid didn't notice. "Yeah, I do, why?"

"He's a bit... whorish, don't you think?"

"Why would you say something like that?'

"I get that it's a bit harsh, but he really had no business interfering with Jeno and Renjun's relationship. He probably did something wrong and that's why Renjun is so upset."

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