"Forty Two„

970 51 55


"I don't wanna be here." Hansol cried. 

"Get over yourself, sweetie." 

"I have trauma!"

Kun rolled his eyes. "We all do, you ain't special."

Hansol immediately stood up from where he was flailing on the floor. "Well, excuse me, bitch, but have you ever been in a plane crash?"

"I'm the one who crashed the fucking plane!" Kun shouted back. "Head first, into a fucking lake!"

"Fine, you win." Hansol got up and entered the helicopter and Kun just stared at him in utter disbelief. He could only shake his head in disapproval before he took his seat.

Xiaojun, Sicheng, and Yangyang watched them fly away from the shooting range, Renjun and Hendery soon joining them. 

"Oh, yeah. You guys have a helicopter." Renjun squinted his eyes to watch Kun. 

"How did he even get a piloting license?" Yangyang turned to Hendery, who shrugged.

"It's actually a really long story." Sicheng looked at their expecting glances, knowing they want that story. "No, I'm not telling you."

"Why not, Ge?" Yangyang whined, clinging onto the elder's arm.

"It's too long and we have training to do." Sicheng shoved Yangyang off of him and forced all of them back to work. 

While Sicheng and Yangyang were simultaneously teaching Xiaojun how to improve while also practicing, Renjun and Hendery were throwing knives, and Kun and Hansol were stuck about 5,000 ft. in the air, and Lucas and Ten were experimenting with bombs.

"This is the worst job Kun could've given us." Ten sighed, watching Lucas fumble with the pieces with his big hands. 

"It's like this, you big baby." He gently pried the half finished product out of Lucas' hands and successfully managed to snap the piece into place.  

"God, how does Jungwoo do this everyday? The process is so slow, boring, and tedious." Lucas groaned, lying on the ground and staring at the ceiling. 

Ten rolled his eyes at his attitude. "It isn't that bad, your hands are just too big."

"Sometimes I regret teasing Mark for his small, chicken hands." Lucas looked at Ten only to see that he had stopped paying attention to him. 


Jungwoo had been slaving away for what seemed like hours now. As soon as he had been released from the handcuffs, he was shoved back into the room and told to work. 

Building fifty bombs in one sitting was difficult but finally, after what was probably two days, he's done. Someone walked into the room and took them away in a large bin, still not allowing him to leave. 

After what seemed like an eternity, they walked back in with the guard. "There aren't enough," the guard coughed out, holding the handcuffs, again."

Jungwoo reluctantly stood up and followed him out the door. 

"Another fifty should suffice," the person informed them before walking away. 

The two walked out the front door, passing Guanxiang who was headed to the basement, again. Jungwoo chose to ignore the dread he felt in his chest. 

Mark was leaning on Donghyuck, his head still hurting, and Johnny was profusely apologizing. 

"Where's Jungwoo?" Yuta leaned his head up to make eye contact with Guanxiang. 

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