"Forty One„

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If there was anything that Hendery was thankful for, it'd be Lucas.

It's true, he only started speaking once he knew Lucas spoke Cantonese. In fact, it took so long to get him to talk that they had to give him his own name: Hendery. 

 And the conversation leading up to that moment where he finally spoke was... interesting, to say the absolute least. 

"Do you actually know how to talk? Or even speak Cantonese?" Lucas asked the younger in his native tongue. The only response Hendery gave was a simple nod. 

The two of them were sat on top of their patio's roof. Just outside what would've been Hansol's old room, a few months after he... "died."

Stars shimmered above them as Lucas tried to figure out if he actually understood Cantonese. 

"Are you sure you understand me?" Hendery nodded. "I mean, if you admit it now that you don't understand, I won't say anything."

When the younger didn't respond, Lucas decided to ask a rather strange question. "Have you ever wanted to fuck Kun Ge?"

It was so strange, Hendery didn't just look at him weirdly, but he also scoffed. "You're out of your fucking mind if you think I have." He rolled his eyes. 

Lucas's own eyes widened comically. He was so startled, he tried to move away from Hendery but ended up just falling off the roof, hitting the grass quite harshly and alerting some of the other members. 

"Lucas, are you okay?" Kun rushed over to him while Hendery graced landed beside him. 

"He asked if I ever wanted to fuck you, I said no, then he fell off." Kun stared at him. He blinked once, twice, three times. 

"I think I gone mad..." Kun slowly walked away from the two, back inside the house yelling, "Either he's speaking or I'm fucking insane!" 

They ended up sitting him down and finding out why he never talked. 

When they first saw him smile, Lucas was also involved. It was almost a year after he started talking.

Hendery was sitting inside his room, choosing not to dress up for Halloween like the rest of his gangmates. Of course, neither Lucas nor Mark were going to allow that. 

"Boo!" Hendery stepped out of his room and someone instantly shouted in his ear. More annoyed than amused, he turned to the perpetrator and smacked their arm.

"Ow, Hen, that hurts!" Lucas complained, rubbing the sore spot on his arm. 

Hendery was about to start arguing with him but someone could be heard bolting down the hall and none other than Mark had barreled into the six-foot giant. 

They both fell to the floor, one groaning in pain, the other giggling like a little school girl. 

"Ow, Mark, that hurts!" Lucas turned to the younger, repeating to him the words he had said to Hendery. 

Mark only giggled harder, hitting the top of Lucas's head with a water balloon and struggling to breathe while writhing on the ground, watching Lucas's hair cover his eyes.

And, because Mark's hysterical laughter is contagious and the scene was both weird and funny, Hendery allowed a small noise to slip past his lips. 

Lucas stared at him, getting up and shaking him by the shoulders. "You're smiling! Oh my God, you're actually smiling! You just laughed!" 

He then turned to Mark and attempted to kiss his cheek, yelling, "You're a goddamn genius!" Key word: attempted. Mark, noticing how he was leaning in, yelped and fell to the floor. 

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