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Jisung, Jaemin, and Mark watched as Sungchan was shoved to the ground by a silver haired male. The two lay side by side on the ground in shock, trying to gather their bearings.

Just as they had gotten over the shock, another male with blonde hair jumped on the male with lighter brown, almost blonde, hair.

"You can't just run away from us like that!" He shouted at the smaller.

The two unfamiliar boys just kept bickering as Mark went over to help Sungchan. Once Sungchan was standing again, the four walked through the school gated and into the building.

"We haven't even been here for ten minutes and Sungchan's already been toppled over." Jisung remarked.

Sungchan rolled his eyes at him, "I would have stood my ground if I had been expecting it."

"But you didn't." Jisung said slyly in a sing song like voice.

"Whatever you two." Mark stepped in between the two boys so they would stop arguing. "You two just go to your class. We'll meet you at lunch."

The younger two nodded and split off to their own classrooms. That left Mark and Jaemin together.

"Raising kids is so difficult," Jaemin whined and Mark just laughed at him.

The two entered their class together and Jaemin knew something was off. Well, not necessarily off, but almost familiar.

There was an intimidating aura coming from the dark haired make in the back. An aura similar to-

Jaemin gasped and clung to Mark.

"What's wrong, Jaemin-ssi?" Mark asked. Sure Jaemin was always clingy, but not like this.

"The guy in the back, with dark brown hair." He was being very vague, but he had to refrain from pointing. "I think he was there last night."

"Last night? On the roof?"

"Yeah, during our mission."

"Let's just keep an eye on him." Jaemin nodded in agreement and they sat down together, in front of the black haired male and his seat partner.

They continued talking about who knows what. At some point Mark tried to convince Jaemin he's a submissive. Jaemin's argument against that was if he's a sub, Mark is too.

The two students at the table behind them couldn't fathom what the fuck was going on in their lives and why they had to talk about this now.

The table in front of them didn't give a fuck.

The teacher soon came in and started introducing themselves, "Hello, students. If you could kindly shut up, that would be much appreciated.

"My name is Kim Seokjin, but since there are so many Kims in the school, you may call me Mr. Jin."

His eyes scanned the room. "I can tell some of you are by your friends, so, to avoid any interruptions in my class, I will be assigning you seats."

Many of the students groaned and started complaining. Mr. Jin just dug through the piles of papers on his desk before finally finding the one he wanted.

"Alright, kids, grab your bags and stand up."

Slowly, everybody stood up. The scraping of chairs was obnoxious, but they just moved on.

Mr. Jin set to sending students to their newly assigned seats.

"Mark Lee?" The said boy raised his hand. "You'll sit in the middle column, fourth row, next to Osaki Shotaro."

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