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Hendery woke up with with one hell of a headache. He touched his head and winced when he felt wet blood coat his fingers. 

He looked around the room and saw the other six member's of WayV both tied up and unconscious. That's when he realized, he was also tied up. Arms chained to the wall, yet it was loose enough where he can touch his face.

Not only had they been chained to a wall, they had been gagged as well. Based on how disoriented he felt, Hendery could've guess they had also been drugged.

Now, Hendery remembered everything about that day. Down to when he had left for school, 7.16 am. What he didn't remember was how he got here.

He couldn't even fathom how these people would've managed to take Kun, Ten, and Sicheng from the house. Especially when all of the older members were there. It would've been way too difficult and dangerous to even attempt.

And yet, here they are. Tied up and gagged in someone's basement.

Why does everyone seem to have a dungeon in their basement? Hendery thought bitterly.

He tried to get out of the chains but clearly, it wasn't working. He stopped trying when Sicheng started to stir.

Sicheng had the worst headache he's had in years. He tried to get up and move only to realize he was chained.

He looked around and realized exactly what Hendery realized. He also saw that Hendery was awake. 

He tried to speak but his words only came out muffled by the fabric around his mouth. 

Sicheng looked around him and saw Ten and Kun on either side of him. The youngest members on the wall facing them.

He kicked Kun and Ten in order to wake them up. Only Ten woke up but Kun stayed out cold. Ten woke up just as panicked as Hendery and Sicheng had.

Ten couldn't even remember how he got here. More importantly, how they would've been able to get into the house itself. How would they have managed to get the kids out of school?


"They only left two hours ago!"

"I know, but they were ambushed."

"Did they even make it to the safe house?"


"Are they at least okay?"

"They only found Taeil

Taeyong nearly threw the phone but Jaehyun calmed him down. The older was just on the phone with Yuta.

He was Taeil's emergency contact. According to the Japanese, Taeil, Chenle, and Renjun were ambushed on their way to the safe house.

Taeil was badly wounded and he was currently in the hospital. Renjun and Chenle, however, weren't found.

Taeyong held on tightly to Jaehyun as the younger slowly rocked them back and forth, trying to calm him down. They stood in the middle of Jaehyun's dark office as the older regained his control of himself.

"How should we tell the rest of the gang?" Taeyong mumbled.

"We should tell them now. I know from experience that it's better to tell them sooner." 

"Do you want to tell me that story?" Taeyong laughed and looked up at him. Jaehyun smiled and shook his head.

He kissed Taeyong's forehead and told him to gather the gang. At least the ones who were there.

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