"Thirty Five„

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"Our last mission was an absolute mess and Doyoung will not be happy." Johnny speaks up in the middle of their flight. 

"Who's idea was it to let him go alone, again? You know he doesn't have a lot of field experience." Lucas frowned. 

Taeil looked down in guilt. "It was probably my fault. I had insisted on being with Johnny just because I didn't want to face him."

He heard Yuta sigh from a few seats beside him. "Don't worry about it, okay? We completed a mission, now we have another one to focus on."

"What is this mission anyways?" Renjun asks from where he sits.

"We're selling Jisung without Taeyong's permission." Johnny looked around and sees everyone staring at him. "What? That's what Yuta told me." The stares were immediately directed to the Japanese, simultaneously. 

"You guys are insanely creepy," he muttered under his breath. "We're aren't actually selling Jisung, we're just pretending we are."

"Elaborate." Jisung glared at him but it wasn't intimidating. 

"So, there's this gang on Jeju Island and I don't like them. However, they are insanely good at building things. It's kinda where I got my own skills from. They offered to trade their blueprints for one of our members. I agreed. Before you yell at me, I'm not done!" Yuta put his hands up, cowering under the glares of the younger members. 

"I hate them beyond belief and they're part of the reason I'm in Korea to begin with. I want them gone and I'm using this deal as a cover up. No, we aren't actually selling Jisung because I'd die before that actually happens."

Of course, they were all wary of his words. Yuta was quick to explain himself, "Johnny, Jisung, and I are going to be making a deal with them while the rest of you burn their base to the ground."

Ten and Renjun lit up at the prospect, the younger excitedly asking, "Are we actually?" Which Yuta quickly declined. 

"No, I just want you to kill all their Men, hide their bodies in the basement, take anything of value, and destroy anything that we don't need while leaving house intact so they can feel just how much they've lost."

Donghyuck looked at Yuta with nothing but worry. "Hyung, are you okay?"

He just shrugged, answering the question by saying, "They bought me from my parents and brought me to some unknown country. The only good thing that came out of it was meeting Sicheng." He sighed dreamily while the rest of them glared at him. 

"Do the rest of us mean nothing to you?" Taeil deadpanned. 

Again, Yuta just shrugged. "Not as much as Sicheng."

"Then confess, you little bitch." Ten snapped at him. 

Yuta, like the mature adult he was, stuck his tongue out at him and said, "You first." They both knew who he was referring to while leaving the rest of their gang in the dark. 

Before they could question them though, they were informed that they would be landing in a few minutes. Yuta and Ten just giggled, playfully flipping each other off. 

Well, they knew it was playful but again, their gangmates didn't. That and the action itself wasn't usually meant for playful purposes. 

When they finally landed, they were immediately directed to a motel. They were barely staying for a day, so what was the point of something fancy? The only person it really bothered was Donghyuck because the beds weren't comfy.

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