"Thirty Two„

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Taeil stood in front of the front door to his brother's summer vacation home. Now that he thinks about, he didn't like his brother. The reason being that he never stood up for him or defended him. In fact, Taeil was often blamed for Tae-oh's antics. 

The two security guards by the door eyed him, but they didn't stop him. Mustering up his courage, Taeil knocked on the door and waited for a response. 

When the door open, he felt his knees start to buckle but thankfully, he didn't fall. Standing in front of him was his brother, someone he hasn't seen in a few years. 

"Taeil?" His face lit up in pure pure joy. He gave his brother a kiss on the lips, just like when they were kids. He looked concerned when Taeil flinched away.

"Ah, I'm sorry," the younger apologized, "I'm just not used to... kisses like that anymore. It's been a while, you know?"

His brother nodded in understanding. "Then, you should start getting used to it again." He winked at his brother, pulling him into the house.

Thinking back to when they were kids, Taeil remembers how his brother could sometimes be a little too affectionate. He wouldn't even let him shower without being in the room. Tae-oh would only leave once Taeil started shouting at him.

He decided to brush away the memories for now. 

"So, what brings you here, after so many years?" Taeil's sure he can hear the hurt in his voice. 

"I'm sorry I haven't reached out, I should've sooner. I just needed to get back on my feet." Taeil looked through the house, eying the doors. "But I really wanted to ask you something, in private?"

"Of course, come to my room," his brother gently coaxed him, slowly making him more nervous. 

"Actually, it was a long car ride, can I use your bathroom?"

"Of course. Do you need me to go in with you?"

"Not at all!" Taeil quickly declined. "I can go alone. Just, show me where it is, please?"

When Taeil finally managed to convince his brother that he was fine being alone, he took out his mask. 

"D-Doyoung? Can you hear me?" He whispered because he knew his brother was outside.

"Yes, I can. What's wrong, Hyung?"

"I think... I think my brother's in love with me..."

Yuta, who was also listening in on their conversation, frowned and bit his lip. "Is he around you?"

"No, I'm hiding in the bathroom." He was so quiet, they had to turn up the volume, garnering the attention of the rest of the unit.

"Alright, we can hear and see you through the camera, we just can't talk. You know the hand signal, right?" Doyoung tried his best to calm him down. 

"I do..."

"Okay, just stay calm. If you do the hand signal, Chenle and Kun will go straight to you, alright?"

"Okay-" They heard knocking on the door and Taeil's brother calling for him. "I have to go."

He quickly washed his hands and opened the door. "Sorry, did I take long?"

"Not really, I just missed you."

Taeil felt his heart start to speed up but not in a good way. He nervously licked his lip and felt his brother's eyes watch his every move with hungry eyes. 

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