Chapter 1

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"Ali wake up, you're going to be late for work!" called out Josh from the bathroom, Josh is my boyfriend, we've been together for just under 3 years and we were finally able to move into our own apartment...

Right..I totally forgot to introduce myself. I'm Alissa Smith, I'm 19, I'm bisexual and proud, obviously you know my boyfriend josh, I'm an upcoming model, im not to popular but im hoping that will change sometime soon in the future but I'll have to wait and see about that.

I groaned and rolled over pushing my face into my pillow "come on Alissa, you need to get up" Josh chuckled as he walked into our room and sat down on our bed next to me "five more minutes Joshy.." I look up at him with puppy dog eyes and he rolls his eyes at me "you know you don't like disappointing your boss, so get uppp" he laughed and pulled me up by my arms "seriously Ali you're going to be late if you don't get ready soon"

Time skip...

I finally got up and got ready for work, I left a while later, I got into my car and headed off to work. When I eventually arrived at my work I greeted my best friend Chloe

Me and Chloe have been best friends since we were little kids, we've been through absolutely everything together and shes always been right next to me. Partners in crime.

We spoke on the trip up to our floor where we worked, we caught up with each others lives and managed to finish just before our boss Gavin walked up to up with a huge smile on his face, I could tell he had something really good in store for us and the rest of our team.

Gavin, who was my boss was the gayest person ever, he really know how to brighten up a dull atmosphere and I care for him a lot, i never want to disappoint him.

He told us about a few new things then he brought out whole team of 10 girls into his office for the main news "so will be mind blown but you'll love it of course" he paused building suspension "I pulled a couple strings and got us an amazing deal with some of the best photographers in the country" I was so happy to hear him say those words and he wasn't even finished yet "after doing a photo shoot with them vogue will choose any of your photos for the cover!" He cheered as all of us started clapping and cheering too "right girls you have a week to get the best outfit for this shoot, remember this shoot really means the most, this shoot could really get you somewhere far" he smiled at us all as we headed out his office.

Time skip...

The day flew by so fast, I spent the whole day studying everything I could, surprisingly being a model meant a lot of studying for the best looks and the new trends e.c.t. So being a model wasn't all just wearing expensive clothes and posing for cameras.

After a while of thinking about it I decided the best way to go was to try and collaborate with Gucci for this shoot, I sent them a long email about a collaboration. The company I worked for was pretty well know so they got back to me pretty fast, just before leaving the office I emailed my clothing designer Emma.

Emma is my designer, she makes all my clothes and does most of the designing for them, I help out a little giving her ideas on how I would want the clothes to look but shes most of the brains. We are pretty close, after working with her for so long we've really gotten to know each other so much better which helps since she knows my style for clothes.

I quickly sent her an email telling her about the collaboration and I told her we could start planning it out tomorrow. After pressing send I shut down my computer and headed down to the parking lot, I got in my car and sat there for a little breather for a short second before heading home.

Time skip...

I unlocked the door and walked into the apartment, I smelt something cooking and I put my things down and headed for the kitchen where Josh was stood making dinner for us in his cute little apron.

I look at him for a minute just smiling until he notices me and comes over to hug me "hey baby, how was work?" He pulled back a little so he could look at my face then he light pecked me lips "its was really good actually.." I began to tell him about my down and he was really impressed about the shoot and my plans for it. I told him about my plans since I obviously couldn't tell Chloe since it was sort of a little competition between all the girls in our team.

After Josh finished cooking dinner and I had changed into something a little more comfortable we sat down at the table and ate together, we spoke about all sorts of things. It was definitely the best part of my day to come home to josh and getting to spend my evenings with him.

a/n: hey guys, since this is my first chapter I would love to know what you think of it so far
Obviously it's going to get better in time and more chapters I promise :)

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