chapter 17

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A month later...

A lot happened in the past month, I finally got around to fashion shoot with a mystery celebrity, it wasn't exactly a surprised when billie was paired up with me, it felt a little set up but that was okay, it went perfectlyfine and we ended up winning. Camilla and Daniel started dating, I wasn't sure house to feel about it, dont get me wrong Daniel is a nice guy but he is a little touchy. He continued to act the same way towards only me after he started dating Camilla, even when we were in a group with Gavin, Emma and Chloe. Luckily they noticed how he was acting but Camilla didn't. Finally me and Billie, we're great. Nothing is official yet, we're taking everything real slow at the moment, we haven't told anyone about whatever you call what we're doing so everyone thinks we are just like best friends I suppose. That's okay though we don't want to rush. Billies Career is going great she dropped another song which went crazy big and we got invited to a huge party at the Bell twins place in a couple of days to celebrate as its mid November so the year is slowly coming to an end the plan was that me, billie, Camilla, Daniel and Chloe would be going.


"Girls are tou ready to leave for this party then?" Billie calls from downstairs, me, Chloe and Camilla are upstairs getting ready "yes, just a minute bil" I call back then we quickly finish getting ready and we walked down to the door where billie was stood.

Billie was going to drive up to the bell twin's house and Daniel would meet us there.

Chloe and Camilla walked ahead of me and Billie when we headed out the door as cameras flashed at us. Billie edged a littel closer to me and whispered in my ear "you look beautiful mamas" I blushed as her fell off her tongue so easily.

We got into the car, me and Billie up front and Chloe and Camilla in the back. Billie started driving, we played loud music that we all sang at teh top of our lungs.

Once we were finally at the twin's house billie back up in their drive and we got out the car and headed inside, Isaac and Elijah came up to us and gave us all littel hugs before we all split up. I left Billie and the others to go get a drink when I bumped into Daniel "hey Dan, the others are over there" I smiled and pointed behind me "oh it's okay I'm going to get a drink, I'll see then in a bit" I nod and we walk over to the kitchen together.

We get a few drinks and we chill in there for a littel bit since its quiet, I feel a little uncomfortable around him sometimes whilst we're alone but I put it off.

I suggest we go over to the others who are all dancing together in the huge crowd. We eventually go to them, billie smiles when she sees me and we start dancing together. She wraps her hands around my waist and hold me close before one of her friends greets her, I think I met him once he seemed nice. He drags billie off with him to go see their other friends.

Billie looks back at me mouthing 'sorry' but I mouth back to her saying 'its okay' I go to the kitchen to get another drink when I feel a pair of hands around my waist, I blush thinking its billie until I turn around and Daniel is stood the smirking. He is clearly so out of it and drunk he doesn't even realise what he's doing.

I try to pull away from him "dan its Alissa not Camila" he nods "I know" his breath is filled with alcohol, I keep trying to pull back from him but he doesn't let me.

I feel myself starting get weak and I start tearing up. He pushes me up against the counter, pinning me there he leans in and forces me into a kiss, he holds me to his lips before a familiar voice hits him form behind "d-daniel..?" Camilla is stood there with tear filled eyes.

Billie walks over probably looking for me, she stops when she sees this little scene, she looks into my eyes as Daniel swings away from and rushes to Camila. Billie walks infront of him and he stops, she looks at him with real anger in her eyes "I though I made it clear enough that you have not business putting your hands on Alissa!" She shouts as she pushes him to the ground and punches him.

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