chapter 8

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"I need to call Chloe and Gavin, I told them I'd give them a call if i found out anything important, your back and thats really important" Josh pulled out his phone and invited Chloe and Gavin over to tell them I was now back.

"You know the two of them have been out so much looking for you, they've been so eager to find you Ali" he smiled but I couldn't help but notice a slight guilt in his eyes but I brushed it of for now.

Gavin and Chloe arrived and they came up not knowing I was back and safe. We heard a knock on the door josh went over to invite them in.

I stayed sat at the table next to Billie, I leaned in closer to her and whispered in her ear "it's just my best friend and my boss" she smiled but there was a certain sadness about her since we came back.

Chloe walked in first and she saw me sat there, I got up and she ran into me hugging me tightly "Alissa where have you been!?" I slowly pulled back just enough to see her face, he eyes were all glossy with a few tears rolling down her cheeks "you're okay.." she pulled me back in and hugged me for a few more seconds then she pulled away when Gavin came in from talking with josh.

His jaw completely dropped through the floor "Alissa, is that really you!? Chloe did you get me drunk before this?" We all laughed and I walked over to him and hugging him "I'm real Gavin" we stayed like that for the next few minutes then I made the two of them sit down with me and billie.

I told them everything like I did to Josh.

Then we spoke about work and I found out Gavin had put everything with the company of hold as Gavin preferred to look for me instead of continuing like nothing had happened.

Time skip...

I had been a couple hours afte ri had seen Gavin and Chloe, they eventually left and we set up out spare room for billie to stay.

Billie went to the spare room to get ready for bed as I sat down with Josh infront of the tv

I looked over at him and I could tell something was off "josh, what's wrong?I know there something on your mind" he look over at me and the guilt poured out of his eyes.

"I- um I-" I moved closer to hims and placed my hand down on his cheek lightly rubbing his cheek with my thumb "slow down Josh, take your time" I gave him a warm smile and he tried again

"I didn't think you were coming back Ali, I tried moving on.." I slowly started realising what he was trying to say "josh did you...cheat on me..?"

My eyes started to tear up, josh nodded slowly "who?" I sat up and a away from him, I couldn't believe he had dont this to me "what..?" "Who did you cheat on me with Josh!" He looked down "Rebecca.." he quietly mumbled.

Rebecca was one of the girls I worked with in at the modeling agency, we were friends but he never really spoke to much.

"Josh how could you do this!? Three year means nothing to you!!" I continued to shout at him about it until I ended it by saying "we are done Josh, you're not staying here" I got up and walked to the kitchen.

He followed me to the kitchen "what is wrong with you Alissa! You're the one who disappeared for a month!" I looked at disgust "you could've waited!at least a couple more months, but no! You couldn't wait to get your hands all over another girl could you!!" I snapped.

"You disgust me Josh.."  i looked away from him them he pushed me back and pinned me against the wall "what did you just say to me!" She punched the wall next to my head leaving an indent in the wall.

I just looked up at him terrified, he had never been like this before.

Billie's pov...

I heard Alissa and Josh fighting but I had no idea what about so I crept a little closer to the door just enough so I could hear what they were yelling.

Josh cheated on her with one of her friends and coworkers.

I decided this was enough listening in and I turned back around to get into bed until I heard a really loud bang in the wall and more shouting.

I turned back and I walked out to see josh with Alissa pinned up against the wall with his hands now wrapped around her neck "I'm not leaving!!" He kept shouting.

I ran up behind him grabbing him by his neck and dragging him backwards and pushing him to the floor, he tried hitting me but he missed and I kept hit him.

After beating him up I dragged him towards the door and pushed him out, I slammed the door in him face.

I looked back at Alissa and she was sat on the floor in shock as tears ran down her face. I rushed over to her and sat down infront and her holding her hands "it's going to be okay Ali"

I went to get up but Alissa stayed wrapped around me "hold me" I nodded to her and we stayed there cuddling for a while.

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