chapter 11

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After billie sang her song for me we spent the rest of the night looking for anywhere she could audition for some way to show her voice to the world.

After a while of online there were a few music companies she could audition for to be sighed to but she wanted to think about it for some time. Billie got up and went to the bathroom, once she had left I set my phone up angled at us both and  I left it recording.

Billie walked back over to teh couch and sat down "bil, can you sing for me again pleaseee?" I gave her puppy dog eyes and she started as she nodded "of course mamas" she starts to sing her song. I sit there looking up at her as her voice echoed through the whole room.

After her voice slowly dies off at the end of the song she looks back at me and smiles "i just love your voice bils"she giggles and and kisses my cheek "you're too cute baby"

I picked up my phone and stopped the recording then as we were just sat watching tv, I edited the video cutting out the end of it and start when billie was singing. After doing that little bit of editing I looked over at billie smiling.

I posted the video onto my Instagram since i had a pretty big following because of my job and who i am, people instantly started viewing the video and liking it.

Time skip...

The next morning I got up, ate breakfast with billie then I left her sat on the couch as I washed and dressed for work.

I came back out to the living room after getting ready and billie was looking at me all confused "billie? Is everything okay?" "Did you post that video of me singing?" I nodded to her with a smile but it faded a little as I looked at her stern face "I'm sorry I should've asked you first, I'm sor-" I'm interrupted by billie pulling me closer and hugging me tightly.

"Alissa don't apologise, I just wanted to make sure" I sighed of relief as she spoke "I really do appreciate it mamas, I'll show you a proper thank you when you get home later on" she smirked at me and pressed her lips up against mine.

I kissed her back then I got all of my things and left for work.

Time skip...

I sat at my desk scrolling through all me emails, a bunch of different clothing brands were asking me to do photo shoots to promote them. I picked up my phoen for the first time in a few hours.

My notifications were filled with millions of people commenting about how much they love billies voice.

I checked billies account and she already had 20,000 followers in such little time, the video of her singing was being spread around fast.

"I didn't know billies sings" chloe said as she sat down in the little arm chair in the corner of my room "I didn't either, not until she was just randomly singing some song was had been listening to"

I played the video again just listening to the way her voice sounds.

Me and Chloe stayed in my office just talking about any upcoming things we have going on then Gavin came up to my office spoke with us.

About 20 minutes later Emma joined us "we're like the dream team" I laugh "you are so right honey" Gavin chimes in making us laugh more.

A few hours later...

I had 30 minutes before my day was over an di could finally go give billie the hug I had craving all day.

Emma said goodbye to us all then left first because she had to go meet her parents for a family dinner.

Gavin moved over to my desk and I showed him some of the brand offers and he gave me some advise on which ones were worth it and which weren't.

Chloe said her goodbyes to is then she left to go home, me and Gavin spoke a little then he just decided to let me go home early.

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