chapter 6

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The next few day for fine, I still hated the place with every bone in my body but i was staring to get use to walking up in the place every day. me and billie were fine, after that little almost kiss we spoke and I told her I wouldn't want anything to happen between us while I was still missing Josh, still craving his touch. Billie understood me completely and told me she would back down more to see how I felt because it was clear I wasn't going to leave anything soon.

Rick came up in the late afternoon to to do the pictures "hey sorry it's so late today the boys brought a new girl in from somewhere.." It pained me to think some other girl was going to have to go through the same or worse hell as I am going through.

"What are you going to have her here for...?" I asked not exactly wanting to know bit at the same feeling as if I needed to know "we're not sure yet" he then left and I grabbed some of my things that I needed and I we t down too.

Doing the pictures went completely fine, rick only wanted a few small things done differently but that's was about it, once we had finished it was the evening so I heard straight back up to my floor to shower and get ready for bed as I usually would whenever rick did the pictures later in the day.

I walked in through the door and went straight for the bathroom, as I was walking to the bathroom I felt this strange creepy feeling like someone was watching me but I pushed it away and closed the bathroom door behind me.

I took and long warm shower, taking my time. After the shower I did my facial care routine and walked out the bedroom to get changed and get ready for bed. I walked into the walk in wardrobe to pick out some clothes. Out of nowhere I felt a hand wrap around my face over my mouth, I knew for sure it wasn't billie so I started fighting against who ever it was. The mystery person grab me and pushed me down on the bed allowing me to see who it was.

The person leaning down over me was one of the guys that worked for rick, I believe his name with Nicholas but everyone just called him Nick.

He pinned my hands up above my head forcing himself on me and trying his best to stop me from moving about. I continued to try to push and pull away from him.

Billie's pov...

I made some food special for Alissa because she was bound to be hungry so I grabbed the little snack and headed up to her floor to go visit her.

As the lift doors opened I noticed her door was wide open, I slowly walked in looked around and I cautiously headed for her room. As I got closer I heard the sounds of something trying to move an dthe muffled sound of a muffled voice trying to scream!

I suddenly realised what was happening I dropped the food and I ran as fast a possible into he room, I busted through the door and it was Nick. He had his hands all over her. She was pushing against him. She was crying. He was trying to shut her up. It all just made me furious. I ran at him, throwing myself into him and pushing him to the ground, he was strong but so was I.

I kneeled ove the punching him over and over, he continued to try hitting me but missed everytime. I looked back at Alissa who was sat with her knees up to he chest just crying, I looked at her for a moment and in that moment Nick swung at me and blood instantly started streaming down from my nose.

Alissa's pov...

I realised that they wouldn't stop fighting so i quickly got up from the bed and rushed over to billies phone that had fallen out of her pocket as she came to my rescue. I picked up the phoen and unlocked it, billie had told me her password incase of any emergencies,  this seemed like one. I went through her contacts as fast as I could trying to find rick.

I called him and he answered pretty quick "rick! You need to get up to my floor right now! Billie and Nick!" He hung up.

A few minutes later he ran in yelling at the two of them that were still fighting but both covered in each others blood. Rick pull Nick off of billei and threw him towards the bedroom door "get out Nick! You're not supposed to be in here!" After rick took him out and onto the lift I looked over at billie laying in the floor.

I rushed over to her and kneeled down pulling her into my arms "billie!" She slowly looked up at me then passed out.

Time skip...

Its early in the morning, afte billie came in last night and fought Nick I pulled her into my bed and made sure all of teh cuts and bruises on her face were cleaned up so they wouldn't get infected then I let her rest. I fell asleep next to her and I woke up with her closer to me with her head placed down on my shoulder. I looked down at her and smiled, seeing her sleeping so peacefully was so nice, she always looked so beautiful even when she was sleeping afte being beaten up by some monster.

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