chapter 19

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Once we were finally at the airport we had billies security team help is all out with our bags and escort us towards our gate in the airport.

As we walked through the loud airport crowds of fans surrounded us as they tried to work out who the four new unfamiliar peopel were.

Billie did her thing, she made small talk with the fans, she took pictures, she signed autographs, just her usual stuff when meeting fans. Once we were at our gate we were taken onto billies private jet, we all sat down in our seats as the security guards made sure our bags got onto the plane then they got on too.

Me and billie, claudia and finneas, maggie and Patrick. We all sat in our little partners which was pretty cute.

Not much happened on the journey towards Europe, me and billie played little games together, we watched our favourite movies, we did as much as we could to provide entertainment to each other. Honestly through the whole right all I wanted to do was kiss her and cuddle up to her but we hadn't officially told billies family about what we have going on, I mean I'm pretty sure they all caught on through the two weeks after they arrived.

Once we finally landed, I slowly opened my eyes and maggie was leaned down next to me because billei had the window seat "hey Ali we've just landed"  she gave me a warm smile before turning back to go see Patrick. I yawned and stretched a little before I glanced over in billies direction, she was sleeping soundly.

I smiled at the sight of her in her peaceful slumber, I looked around making sure everyone else was distracted with their own thinsg before I leaned in closer to billie and I kissed her cheek, I then got close to her ear and placed light little kisses all over it as I whispered "baby, we've landed" I hummed softly as she started to drift awake.

She looked at me and gave me the brightest smile that she could in the tired state she was in. She looked around at everyone getting their things together then she pulled me closer and placed a little kiss on my lips before pulling back and just smiling at me.

We sat there for a moment to just wake up properly before we finally got up, we packed up all the thinsg we brought for the journey then we headed towards the door of the jet with the others. The security went first and got our bags then we all headed through the airport meeting a bunch more fans with their cute lil British accents.

Time skip...

We finally got to our hotel after getting out the airport, we all went up to our rooms billie had tried to convince everyone that we were sharing because she didn't like being alone but I sensed they all guessed the actual reason.

Billie flopped down on the bed as I closed the door behind us, I pushed all out stuff into the corner of the room so it would be easy to access the suitcase. I looked at billie and laughed as she curled up in the covers "come cuddle mamas" she looked at me with those piercing blue eyes making it hard for me to even consider saying no.

I put one of her hoodies on then I layed down next to her on the bed, i rested  my head in her chest as she naturally held me tightly in her arms.

Only 10 minutes later there was a knock on the door, billie groaned and shouted "who is it?" We both sat up as finneas opened the door "it's me" we all laughed "so me and Claudia are going out to eat, wanna join?" I looked at billie for a moment then we both nodded at him "yeah sure we'll be ready in 10" billie said then he nodded and left.

We both got up and changed quickly because we knew there would be paparazzi following our every moves so we had to look presentable.

After we got ready we walked down to the lobby of the hotel where both finneas and claudia were stood together talking until they noticed us walked towards them and they lowered their voices before completely cutting off their conversation "you two ready?" claudia said with a smile, we both said yes then we were met by our security then we headed out of the building to the tour bus.

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