chapter 13

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Alissa's pov...

I hoped me and billie would be able to talk and get through this whole situation together but when I saw her face after knowing where she had been all day i was just too angry and disappointed in her to talk.

When I walked out of the apartment slamming the door shut behind me it all hit me at once

I just broke up with billie eilish

Tears started to form in my eyes, and before I knew it hundreds of them were streaming down my face.

I had no idea where I was supposed to go since I basically just gave her my apartment, she had no where else she could go.

I stood outside the door for a few minutes with a rush of panic hitting me as I didn't have somewhere to stay. I looked down at my phone trying to think of where I could go. I went down to Camilla's floor and I knocked on the door, she opened the door "yea-" she looked at me for a moment then she pulled me into a long hug "I broke up with billie.." I said into her shoulder.

Camilla pulled me into her apartment and closed the door behind me, we sat down on the couch together and I told her everything taht had just gone down with billie. She told me I could stay with her for as long as i needed too.

A few hours later Camilla took me into her room and helped me change and get ready for bed.

She insisted on me sleeping in her bed, I layed down placing my head down on her pillow and in almost instantly feel asleep, the past 24 hours had been so hard and exhausting.

Camilla's pov...

I felt terrible for Alissa, she didn't deserve all of this.

I stayed in bed with Alissa for a while making sure she fell asleep properly then I got up leaving her in my bed, I walked to the kitchen and made some food.

A while later i was sat on the couch when I heard a few quick knocks on the front door, I got up and walked over to the door. I opened the door and Billie was stood there, she looked like a mess, her face was stained with tears, her eyes were all red and puffy.

"Billie what do you want?" She was clearly in so much pain "please tell me Alissa is here Camilla, please" I took a short second to think about it then I answered "no Billie, she's not her-" just as I said that I was interrupted by Alissa walking out my room into the hall that was directly in front of the door "cami?"

She was stood there wearing a pair of my sweatpants and one of my hoodies "Ali!" Billie shouted catching her attention instantly, she froze up and I knew she didn't have a clue of what to say "billie you need to leave right now!"  I snapped making her step back a little.

I looked at her dead in the eyes as I spoke and she nodded slowly, I closed the door and turned around to Alissa who was just stood there. I could tell taht seeing billie definitely wasn't helping her in any way at all.

I walked over to her and pulling her into a hug "maybe it's best if you stay with Chloe or one of the others, I can come with you?" She nodded and held onto me, it broke me apart seeing her in all this pain.

Time skip...

I called up Chloe and asked if we could stay at her place for a couple nights. Chloe lived in a huge house with a bunch of spare rooms, so of course she said yes.

I packed a bag of my clothes then I went up to Alissa's apartment to get her some clothes since she didn't want to face billie right now.

I knocked on the door because it would be a little weird if I just walked into her apartment. Billie answered the door and her face lit up a little bit "Camilla?"

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