chapter 14

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I stayed with billie at the apartment for a few days after what happened to her, I couldn't just leave her all alone like that. I had never seen her this way before though, she stayed in bed all day every day, she only went to the bathroom and she wouldn't even come out to eat, the only way she would eat was if I sat with her practically forcing her which I hated but she needed to eat.

Ethan would usually come over a couple times a week to drop off some food since I didn't want to leave billie alone, Ethan was a hug help during all this.

I was honestly hoping that staying with her for this week was going to help fix things for us both, I was hoping this would get us closer, close enough to talk about what had happened and what we could do to fix this all. That that snot how it went though, we got into huge fight every night over the smallest things then during the day we would have random little fights over everything.

This relationship wasn't going to work out any time soon, I was ready to give up on it.

Billie's pov...

I dont want to leave this bed ever again, whenever I get up thinking the I front of me with be good and positive it never is. Alissa came in early in the morning to wake me up, I'm pretty sure I still disgusted her from cheating on her but she still stayed but she slept in the guest room.

"Come on bil it's time to get up" her sweet voice rang through my head bringing a slight smile to my lips but I hid it form her, I slowly sat up and she was sat on the edge of the bed "do I have to wake up..?" I rolled my eyes.

"Billie don't be like that, today I'm taking you out for some fresh air" she smiled but I could tell it was all fake, I could tell she didn't want to be here, I could tell she hated taking care of me. "No, I'm not going out".

She rolled her eyes and tried to convince me more until I eventually snapped at her starting yet again another fight between us "Alissa just give up! I know how much you hate me! Just get out of here and leave me the hell alone! I dont even want you here!"  That was a  complete lie, I always wanted her company.

Alissa looked at me, she rolled he eyes once again then she got up and walked towards the door. I layed back pushing my hea into the covers "I was trying to help you, you want to go through all this alone go ahead but I won't come running back to you" then the door closed. After 20 minutes I heard the rustling outside my door and I pulled myself out of bed. I opened the door and Alissa was carrying a few small bags towards the door.

She looked my way and ignored me, afterwards she walked past me into the bedroom and grabbed one of my many tour suitcases, she started to pull all her clothes out of the closet then from teh draws too.

"What are you doing?" I just sat there and i felt the pain getting to me, she hesitated to answer but she finally looked at me "I'm leaving billie, for good" I slowly nodded as I felt my eyes start to tear up and i looked down to cover it "we clearly won't work Billie, I'm not going to apologise for it though" I heard her voice crack but she didn't look back at me and she continued to back up all of her clothes.

Once that suitcase was full she got another one and started packing all her accessories like hair products, make up, facials, and the rest. She grabbed her laptop and she back it away.

She looked down for a second then she came over to me "billie?" I looked up at her hoping she was going to say she wanted to stay or something good like that "you should probably have this back.." I watched as she took of the ring I had bought her for her birthday and she placed it gently in my hand.

That was when my heart completely broke into a billion pieces.

Alissa's pov...

As I handed billie the ring my heart sank to my stomach and it made me sick to let go of the ring.

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