chapter 10

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In the morning I woke up instantly remembering all of last night, I felt my cheeks burning and my stomach fill with butterflies. I looked over at billie and I turned to face her, I watched as she slept, she was so gorgeous.

"Morning mamas" billie said sweetly without opening her eye "oh you're awake..morning" I blushed and she chuckled as she knew i was staring at her as she slept.

I eventually got out of bed wearing one of billies oversized shirts and a thong. I walked into the bathroom, I smirked as I felt billies eyes on me as I walked out the room.

I brushed my teeth and freshener up a little then I headed down the hall to the kitchen. A few minutes later billie walked down the hall towards the kitchen singing a random song that's was on the radio yesterday.

"Bil! You're so good at singing!" I giggled as she came up and hugged me tightly from behind "you should write songs billie" billie didn't say anything and she just laughed "I'm serious, your voice is amazing" I laughed and turned around to her and gave her a little kiss on the cheek.

"I was thinking today I could go into work just to surprise Gavin a little since he told me to come back next week" billie nodded slowly as she pressed her head into my neck.

Time skip...

After a few hours of spending time with billie I finally got shower and dressed to go see Gavin and the rest of the Girls at work.

Just before I left billie walked dove rot the door where I was and hugged me, i kissed and she kissed back "alright I'll see you later mamas" her sweet voice was like music to my ears "yeah, I'll see you soon bils" I kissd her one more time then I left.

I headed over to my work, and I saw Chloe "good morning" she swung around as she heard my voice and she hugged me "I didn't think you were going to be in toward Ali" she smiled "yeah I thought I could come surprise you"

we both got some coffee from the cafeteria and then we headed up to our work floor. Gavin was rushing around as usual trying to get everything together. He was talking to one of the girls until he turned around.

All the stress and pressure in his eyes brushed off as he came over to us "Alissa honey, I said you didn't have to come back until next week" "I know, but I'm so bored at home" the three of us walked towards my office that I had before I was taken by Rick an dthe others.

"He never lost hope, he didn't even give up your office for another girl" Chloe whispered to me as she walked into the office, all my things were still there just like I left them.

"Don't put pressure on yourself to get back into work Alissa, I want you to take it slow and at your own pace" Gavin instructed as he pulled out my desk chair and I sat down "fine Gavin" we all laughed and we sat in my office for a little while talking about everything I had missed. 10 minutes later we heard a light knock on the door.

I looked up to teh door and Emma was stood there, I and really missed working with her and seeing her. I jumped up ran over to her "I've missed you so much Ali" "me too" I pulled her into a hug and we stayed like that for a moment or two. Chloe pulled up a chair for Emma and we sat in a little circle for a while.

two hours later...

we didn't realise how long we had been sat talking until one of the reception girls came up to my office "miss Smith, you have a visitor at reception, I think it was someone by the name of Billie Eilish" as she said he rname I couldn't hold my smiles back "would you like me to invite them up?" I nodded to her "yes that would be lovely" she smiled and walked off.

"So you and billie, huh?" Chloe smirked at me "do tell" Gavin chimed in cheerfully "yeah before she gets up here" Emma spoke up and I finally gave in.

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