chapter 4

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"Billie you're on babysitting duties" that's guy said to billie with a little laugh before he walked out the room. As he opened the door I could see and even brighter room with a few windows, it looked like it was early in the morning.

I look over at billie who is sat at the desk scrolling through her phone, I wanted her attention so I started shouting but it came out all muffled and you couldn't make out a word I said because of the duct tape over my mouth.

Billie finally looked over at my and she got up, I got scared a she walked over to me, I thought she might hurt me or something. She kneeled back down infront of me, I expected her to hit me or something like that but no she gently pulled the duct tape off my face and looked into my eyes.

"what's wrong.." she looked down at the magazine quickly " name" she flashed me a quick smile "where am I..?"  I looked down as a tear rolled down my cheek "hey, don't cry" she brushed her hand across my tear stained cheek. She looked back then got up to check if anyone was hoinh to come in then she came back "I can't tell you that, I'm sorry" she sat down next to me "why am I here then..?" She sighed and looked down "look that guy taht wa just in here, he's my boss Rick. Hes a major drug dealer and he is also in the human trafficking business.." my face dropped I found myself drowning in pure terror and tears started streaming down my face.

Billie watched as my Expressions completely changed after what she said "please don't cry" she unexpectedly grabbed hold of my hand and squeezed it tightly. I felt my breathing getting much heavier and harder " I have a live...I'm in such a good place...what am I supposed to do now!" I spat out as I started crying more and more falling into a full on panic attack. Billie looked at the door for a second before trying to calm me down until she just wrapped her arms around me and pulled me closer to a hug.

She held me tighter and rubbed my back up and down, as confused as I was that's she was help me I slowly felt myself calming down a lot more, Billie moved closer and I had my head rested down on her chest. I could tell from teh way she was treating me that's she didn't want to be involved in this kind of career.

Time skip...

I was laying on the concrete floor when I woke up, all I remember before falling asleep was having a panic attack and laying in billies arms. I looked up and I saw Rick and a couple of men. They looked down at me "right boys, get her in the van, shes going downtown to some guy" the guys smirk and begin walking towards me. As I realised what he said i started panic and crying me. Just as they were about to grab me billie rushed infront of them "boss, do you seriously want to waste her, I mean shes a model, shes gorgeous, we could get millions from her if we kept her here and forced her to model then sold the pictures" she smiled at them clearly proud of her excuse.

The two guys looked over at rick, he started walking over to her, I was afraid he was going to hit her or worse but no...he cupped her face in his huge hands and he started smiling "billie you are a genius!!" He yelled as the two of them started laughing. I looked down smiling as I knew I wasn't going anywhere.

Time skip...

The others had left, which meant it was just me and Billie. She waited a while before she got ups and sat next to me, she took the duct tape off my mouth and smiled at me "thank you..." I sat waiting for her to tell me her name. Obviously I knew it but it wa sbe weird if I just started calling her by her name "Billie, that's my name" I smiled "thank you billie"

We were talking and getting to know each other more since we had to spend all our time together basically. Tahts was until rick walked back in "billie what are you doing!" Billie instantly looked at the door where rick was stood, she jumped up "uh boss...she was hyperventilating, she couldn't breath so I took of the duct tape and calmed her down.." damn she was a really got liar, rick look at me getting closer "dont get to comfortable!" He snapped then left, billie turned around and sat back down "it's going to be okay I promise" she smiled.

"Billie...why are you being so nice to me, I dont understand?" I looked down and she sighed "I dont know, i just feel like i need to stay near you and protect you.." she glanced at me then at the door. I stayed silent for a bit until I said "why do you work for that guy, you clearly hate this job.." billie looked into my eyes and then she sat up more and got more comfortable "well you see when I was a lot younger, I'm talking like 15 I got Rick's number feom a close friend and I only called him up whenever I needed drugs because I had gottenmy self a little addicted...eventually he kind of just forced me into this and I ended up leaving my family and travelling across countries with rick.." she looked down and I could tell she was genuine in what she had  just said. "I never wanted  to be involved in the things rick does but here I am sat with one of his many hostages.."

I sat there thinking about the life I was going to be forced to leave behind, I was so successful and I had the best boyfriend, but now I'm stuck in some random basement talking to some girl who is ment to be torturing me but shes just talking to me

Long time skip...

It had been a few days since I was first brought here, I spent most of the days I was here just talking with billie, she was actually a really really nice person. Me and her had made a deal that's she would act horrible to me infront of the others so no one suspected anything. We just got closer and closer.

I woke up and looked around, yes I wa still stuck in this horrible place, rick walked in Instantly waking up billie who was sat in the desk chair, rick walked over to me and grabbed me by my wrists and pull me up. Billie got up and rushed over to us "boss? What is going on?" He looked at her then threw me over his shoulder "we have modeling to do missy" he said smirking and patting and thigh. As he carried me toward steph doo I looked back into billies eye sas she just stood there.

Rick took me into a completely white room. The bright lights in the ceiling were blinding and it was hard to see everything clearly. Rick put me down in a chair in the middle of the room infront of a bunch of cameras. "Hey, if you run or try anything this will be a lot worse than it has to be" he had a smirk on his face as he pulled out a knife and cut the ropes around my ankles and wrists. Billei walked into the rooms dn sat in a chair near the door. Ruck grabbed me by my waist making me stand up "strip!"

I looked around for a second then he shouted again "I said strip!" I looked down and I started to take off the clothes I put on the night I was first taken. After I finished undressing I staying looking down all vulnerable. I brought my head up in billies direction and she was sat look down into her lap "wow.." rick said as he bit his lip

"Let's get started then, this should be fun"

a/n: hey, just wanted to say thank you to anyone who is reading this book and I hope you're enjoying it so far :)

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