chapter 12

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After finding out what billie was up the night she was out Camilla stayed with me for the rest of the night because I sure as hell knew billie wouldn't be back until at least the next day in the afternoon.

In the morning I woke up next to Camilla on the couch, looks like we feel asleep together. I slowly sat up looking around, my instant thoughts were...

where's Billie? Is she okay? Is she safe?

Then it hit me, the pictures and videos started to appear in my head, everything came back to me. I stood up and walked into my room, I changed into a random hoodie and some sweatpants, I put my hair up in a messy bun. Then I walked out to the living room where Camilla was still sleeping, I smiled and pulled a blanket over her then I left a little note for her on the coffee table.

I went out to get a little fresh air, I'll come back with food and make yourself at home cami

-Alissa xx

I grabbed my phone and my keys and I walked down to the garages, I got in my car. I sat there for a moment, I felt a lump in my throat, I just wanted to shout and scream but I had to keep a hold of myself.

It's going to be okay Alissa...

It's okay...

Everything with be fine...

Stop worrying...

Those were the little phrases I always told myself whenever I was this much of a mess and felt like there was no point being here anymore.

I eventually drove out the garage and down a few street to one of me and Camilla's favourite restaurants and I got a few different meals for us to go. I headed back out to my car until I heard my name being called out from behind me.

"Hey Alissa?" I turned around recognizing that voice, one of billies friends was stood there, his name was Ethan. He was really mice to me all the time, a proper gentleman, he never tried anything with billie or me which was a lot more than I could say for some of her other friends. And we were honestly really close, he even met Gavin, Chloe,bEmma and Camilla

"Hey Ethan!" I put the food in the car and walked up to him hugging him " I haven't seen you in forever Ali, how life been on you?" He sai slowly pulling out of our embrace "you know just living every day as it come I suppose" I looked down and he rested his hand on my shoulder "somethings wrong, what is it?" I guess he didn't know about the pictures, that's understandable though, I preferred to stay off social media unless it was really necessary "oh uh..nothing I'm fine.." I lied trying my hardest to get out of this one, I didn't want to have to go into it all right now "alright Ali, just talk to me if you need to" he gave me the sweet little smile he always gave me, only me "you have my number for a reason, use it, even if you just need food" we both laugh and he pulls me into a tight hug.

We pull pull back a little while later "well I really should get going, I need to feed Camilla, shes probably waiting on me" I laughed "yeah, she sure does get grumpy when shes hungry" we laughed harder "you can say that again byee" "bye Ali"

We parted ways and I head back to the apartment in my car, I pulled up and I noticed more cars, recognisable car. I walked into the lift and I went to my apartment, when i walked in I was greeted by Gavin, Emma and Chloe.

"Oooh is that food?" Emma laughed peeking into the bag "yes, you lot are lucky Bought extra food" we all laughs and I put all the food down on the table so everyone could just take what they wanted.

After everyone had dished up their food we all sat on the couch talking "so how come you guys all came up here" I looked at them for answers "they broke in, I woke up and these three bozos were sat at the table talking about random stuff" we laugh "hey I have a key to this place!" Chloe said proudly making us laugh more.

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