chapter 21

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Alissa pov...

Billie seemed really on edge before we fell asleep last night, I knew she had drank alot and she'd usually have a warm shower after a party but when I went into her bathroom it was freezing cold and so was the water flowing into the drain.

I put off any thoughts I had because she probably just wanted to refresh herself probably by taking a cold shower.

When I woke up I heard shouting, logs of shouting. I sat up and the bedroom door was open a crack, I got up and put my hair in a messy bun quickly before I wandered out the room to find Camilla looking over the stair rail. She saw my and put her finger up to her lips for me to be quiet, I slowly crept her to her and looked ove the railing to see billie, Elijah and Isaac.

Elijah and Isaac were shouting at Billie about her doing something at the party but they didn't say what it was specifically, I was getting more and more curious by the second so I walked down the stairs leaving Camilla.

"What are you shouting about? What did Billie?" I asked sternly looking at the three of then, as I looked at Billie j could see pure fear in her eyes which scared me "she took one puff of a blunt, we just dont want her to go back to her old ways" Isaac said quickly.

I walked infront of billie "guys that's not that bad, as long as it wa only one puff?" I turned to look at billie and she quickly shook her head at me "see problem solved, billie knows how to control herself, she knows her limits" the twins both nodded at me then walked over to the kitchen.

I turned around to Billie and looked up at her "you didn't take anything or do anything else right bil?" She nodded "no mamas only one puff of a blunt that was it" I stepped up on my tip toes and kissed her cheek then leaned closely to her ear "happy birthday baby" I headed back upstairs to get showered and ready for the day.

Once I was and dressed i waited around for billie, Camilla, Chloe and Emma so we could head home and give billie her presents and see finneas and claudia since they stayed over to look after shark then Billie could go to her parents house to do birthday things with her family.


When everyone was finally done we said our goodbyes to the twins and we all headed back to me and Camillas place.

When we finally pulled up in the drive next to finneas' car and we all headed Indoors.

As soon as we opened the front doo shark came running at Billie, she kneeled down on the whilst he jumped at her and started licking her face, billie picked up shark in her arms since he was still pretty small "I missed you baby" she said to him in a cute tone as he continued to lick her.

We eventually had shark calmed down then the rest of us walked in since they stopped at the front door, me and Claudia sure each other and we ran to each other ending in a huge bear hug from her "I missed my lil tour buddy" we laughed as we soon fell to the ground "bro watch yourself, that's my girlfriend claud" when Billie said that it only made us all laugh.

Soon we all sat down on the couches near the fire place for Billie to do presents, I had a huge present for Billie so I made sure I was last to give it to her.

What everyone got billie:

Camilla got billie a few designer hoodies and shirts she said she really like a couple times.

Chloe got her a few really big expensive rings with cool designs on them that would for sure fit in with her clothes.

Emma got Billie a new ukulele that had been stickerbombed with a different designs billie loved since her original ukulele broke in the week after I left.

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