chapter 18

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"You're going on tour with billie?! You're joking!?" I laughed after seeing Camilla's reaction to me telling her I'm gonna be going on tour with Billie on and off.

"Yeah but it's okay a few weeks at a time" "but still even if your only stay for a week then you come back, you will be kn tour with Billie!" I laughed more, we continued to debate about it and we spoke about how fun it would be.


I invited Billie over to hang out with me, Camilla and Chloe for a bit. When Billie arrived she brought shark with her so he instantly ran in through the door and started inspecting Camilla and Chloe since he had never seen them before.

Billie gave me a little hug then we all sat down to talk, shark came and sat on my lap.

We talked for hours about modeling, billie's upcoming songs, her tour, and so many more things. Billie confirmed to us that she would be dropping a her first album soon just before her birthday in a few weeks.

This album would be really convenient since it would be dropped in the middle of her tour so she would have more songs to sing because at the moment she was just singing her few little singles at small events.

The album would be called 'don't smile at me'

It was honestly no surprise that Billie would name her new album something like that after spending so long with her before the five months, she always said about how she didn't like being expected to smile at random strangers just because they smiled at her first.

After a while me and Billie went upstairs to chill out in my room alone for a bit whilst Camilla and Chloe stayed downstairs playing with shark.

"I'm really happy you can come with me on tour mamas" billie placed her arms around my waist from behind as she pulled me on her lap "me too bil, you have Gavin to thank for that" we both laughed ending up in a cute little kiss.

We layed back against the headboard of my bed, I placed my head in the crook of billies neck and we talked about tour and all the fun things we'd been able to do. I honestly never wanted things any different than they were right now, everything was perfect at the moment, just me and billie laying in bed cuddling. That was until we were interrupted by billies phone ringing.

I sat up so she could get her phone from the bedside table "hey, is everything okay?" Billie said answering the call from her manager.

They talked for a few minutes and the expression on Billie's face completely dropped, she didn't look sad or happy or even angry, just shocked, really shocked.

She eventually said goodbye and hung up, she stood up grabbing her things "bil, are you okay?" She looked so full of worry and panic when she looked at me "uh I'm fine do you mind keeping shark for the rest of the day I have to be somewhere?"

I just nodded and she smiled picking her phon back up. We back downstairs and shark came running to us, billie leaned down to him and said goodbye an start she'd be back soon.

After that she kissed my cheek and walked out through the door.

"What was that about Ali?" Chloe asked as shark ran around my legs "I have no idea, she got a phone call then she left looking all panicky.."

Billie's pov...

The phone call i had been dreading since I was 14 and left everything I knew to go work with rick and the other guys.

The phone call:

(Billie: bold her manager: italic)

"Hey, is everything okay?"

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