chapter 15

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Billie's pov...

I woke up in some random bed is a room that wasn't my own, for a moment I got a sudden sense of panic. I glanced down seeing I was fully clothed in what I was wearing last night. Then I looked around making sure there wasn't a random stranger layed in bed next to me.

I sighed in relief

I slowly sat up and realised I was sleeping in one of the twin's spare bedrooms, I grabbed my phone and checked all my notifications then I got up leaving my phone and the rest of my things there.

I heard Isaac walking past the door so i quickly rushed to the door "hey Isaac" he swung around and smiled "morning bils, do you need anything?" I nodded and he raised an eyebrow "I was wondering if I could borrow some of your clothes, you know because of paparazzi and all that" I smiled "yeah of course, you know where my room is take what you need" he flashed me one more small smile then he walked off.

I quickly went to the bathroom that was attached to the spare room I was in, I brushed my hair and made sure i looked okay just incase I saw anyone.

I walked out of the room and to Isaac's room, I looked through his closet and I grabbed a big shirt and some sweatpants so I looked I normally would when I left.

After grabbing clothes I went back to the room I was in and I took a shower. I showered, got dressed, did my hair then I grabbed my things and headed downstairs.

Isaac and Elijah were sat at the little island in the middle of the kitchen eating breakfast "good morning billie, breakfast? Its vegan" Elijah called out to me as I came down the stair and towards the kitchen "morning, sure" I sat down on the other side putting my phone and keys on the counter

"Help yourself" Isaac smiled pointing behind me, I turned around and there was a literal banquet of food. I grabbed a plate and dished up some food for myself.

I sat back down and started eating breakfast, Isaac, Elijah and I just spoke about a bunch of random things, mainly the party and anything interesting that happened until my phone buzzed and I picke it up.

Unknown number

Hey, is this billie?

Uh yeah this is billie, who is this?

Its me Alissa

Oh right, well hey

I just wanted to say how good last might was, I'm really glad I was able to see you, and I just want to thank you for helping me when Brandon wouldn't leave me alone


After I finished breakfast I cleaned up after myself and I sat on the couch with the twins as they watched tv, I spoke to Alissa for ages over text and we agreed on seeing each other.

We decided on me coming over to her and Camilla's house just so we could catch up and chill.

I got up and said goodbye to Isaac and Elijah then I walked out the door, obviously as I walked out paparazzi flooded me. I just smiled and played it off, I headed over to my car, I gave the paparazzi a few little waves then I drove off.

I drove back to my house and I changed into some of my clothes, Isaac had good style but it wasn't exactly my style of clothing.

After changing I hung out at my place for a bit until I had to leave to go see Alissa.

Time skip...

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