chapter 20

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After getting off my flight I was met by Camila at my gate, as soon as I saw her I ran into her arms making us both almost fall to the ground, we laughed at each other as we hugged.

"How was it? I saw billies performance"
Camilla asked as we were walked out ot Camilas car with her security guards "it was amazing, in so glad I was able to go with her"

We eventually got back to the car and loaded my bags into the trunk before finally we could head back home. The ride was how they normally were with Camilla, singing at the top of our lungs, dancing to the music, laughing at the stupid things we both did, driving with Camilla had to be the best thing.

Once we were back home the security helped me with my bags then they left to go do their other duties

As soon as I walked in through the door with Camilla shark came charging at me, he jumped around me frantically as I leaned down to say a proper hello to him. He really was just like billie, always got so much energy.

me and Camilla sat on the couch watching a movie with shark on my lap too, I was way to tired to attempt at lugging my suit cases up the stairs.

Throughout the movie Billie texted me a few time asking about how my flight went and if I was safe, i reassured absolutely everything for fine and shark was happy too. I sent her a few little pictures of him happily sleeping on my lap because I knew how billie was when she was worried.

Not really anything else happened through the rest of the day, I managed to get my bags up the stairs with a lot of help from Camilla, and shark who just ran around us barking as we struggled.


I took a shower and changed into one of billies hoodies and a pair of shorts for bed, I left my door open a crack and shark took that opportunity to run into my room and claim his spot on my bed which was where billie would usually sleep if she ever stayed over.

Got comfortable wrapped up in my covers with shark and I picked up my phone, I went straight to my contacts and pressed on billies name.

I then pressed on the facetime icon and waited for her to pick up, when she finally did she was a bright smile on her face, her hair was a little messing and she was just wearing a shirt and sweatpants.

(Billie:bold  Alissa:italic)

"Hello angel, how are you?"

Her tone was all cute like usual, she looked towards the camera as she ran her fingers through her green roots

"Hey baby. I'm doing good, it really nice to see Camilla again"

"Good, I'm glad you're okay. Wheres my other baby at?"

She had her signature goofy smile stuck to her face and her eyes darted around the screen for shark and I called out his name quietly since he was half asleep. He woke up a little more and layed his head on my shoulder. I moved my phone a little so both of us were in frame, Billie smiled when she saw shark fast asleep on me.

"There he is, he's a sleepy boy"

"Aww I have both my babies together, now I just gotta come back and we'll be a happy lil family"

We both laughed quietly not to wake Shark fork his little sleep.

"What is he likes you more than me by the time I come back?"

Billie whined pouting her bottom lip out, I laughed at her little fake sadness

"Bil I'm sure he'll love you just the same as before, probably even more, I know for sure that he misses you"

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