chapter 5

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I sat down in the chair as rick got closer and told me how he wanted me to pose and things like that. I occasionally glanced over at Billie who wa still sat thatx I could tell she didn't want to be there, she didn't want to see me having to go through this.

A couple hours later...

Rick finally decided we were done for the day, he handed me a robe and told me to sit back down. He pulled a chair over to sit in front of me, he seemed nicer, calmer this time he spoke to me "look I want these pictures to be perfect, and they wont be perfect if you sleeping on concrete floor and not having a proper wash right?" I slowly nodded to him waiting for him to continue "so I'm going to give you a few options okay. So I will give you your own little part of this place where you'll have a proper bed, a proper shower, even your own kitchen as long as you keep doing these photos and you try harder with them"

I looked down just listening to what he had to say, his voice became soft but still really scary and threatening "..or you could just stay on the basement floor and you wont ever see the outside again or anyone again" I mean it was pretty obvious what I would say to him "so what's it going to be?" I looked back into his eyes "I'll do the pictures, whatever you want" he smiled and shook my hand "perfect" he stood up and I did too, he took me into a lift and we went up a few floors then we stops and we walked out, billie came with us as rick unlocked a big door and opened it for me to walk in.

I walked in and looked around the main room where the door was I turned back to rick and he passed me a set of keys "here you go, I'm come up tomorrow morning early for pictures" he smiled then walked into the lift leaving me and billie alone.

"Do you have a floor of you own like this billie..?" I said turned back to her as  she looked about a little too, she nodded "seriously? how come you stayed in the basement with me overnight most nights then?" I didn't understand why she was spent so much time with me when she could be on her own floor relaxing "I dont trust the other guys, I just preferred to be there with you making sure you were safe I guess" she blushed a little and looked down.

Billie left to go to her floor a while later  I explored and this place was absolutely huge. I sat down on the couch and I turned on the tv that was massive, I was surfing through different channels to find something good to watch until I was caught up on the new.

Young 19 year old girl goes missing during the night...

Suddenly my picture was pulled up on the screen, I felt heart breaking as they changed to a clip of Josh being interviewed

Interviewer: so Mr Miller, could you please explain your last sighting of Miss Smith?

Josh: Alissa came home from work with a huge promotion so I cooked dinner and we celebrated it, we went to bed, I say goodnight to her and that was it..

Interviewer: do you have any suspicions on this situation Mr Miller?

Josh shook his head then the clips ended and it went back to the news lady discussing my case a little more.

When I saw josh on the screen talking about me in completely broke my heart, I hadn't realised how much I missed him until right now when I was finally able to see his face. I felt tears streaming down my face a so replayed the clips of him over and over not wanting to lose him.

A few days later...

Everything was going pretty normal, nothing new really happened, I just did was that rick told me to do when we were doing pictures. Billie would stay on my floor a lot, she spent lots of her time with me, I told more about Josh and the career I was trying I get before I was brought here.

"So you and Josh, how serious was that?" She glanced down at her phone scrolling through his Instagram after i had told her "we were actually pretty serious, we moved in together, we were just about to hit three years" I didn't even notice but a few tears feel down my cheek, billie looked up from her phone.

"Dont cry, it's going to be okay i promise" she moved closer and wrapped her arms around me tightly making me feel a lot better "thank you billie"

Rick then knocked on the door and waited for an answer, he was surprisingly a pretty nice guy. If you forget about the kidnapping part.

Billie got up and greeted rick then invited him inside "so Alissa are you ready to do some pictures?" He smiled and I nodded at him "yeah, I'll be right down rick" he nodded back to me and walked out as I got up and walked towards the door. that was until I felt billie grab hold of my hand, I turned to her confused "things will get better Alissa, they always do" billie said with the warmest smile ever. I walked but up to her and I hugged her tightly, she was surprised at first but she soon tightened her arms around me too.

We both slowly pulled back from our embrace and I looked straight into her eyes, i could stare at those eyes all day if I had the chance. We stared at each other for a second before we both started to naturally move in closer. I felt her breath on my lips as she got closer to me, the thought of Josh came to my head in an instant and I couldn't stop myself from pulling back from her breaking the hug "I'm sorry billie, I can't, not yet" I looked down saying that then I rushed out into the lift to go do the pictures.

All the time rick had me posing for pictures I couldn't get billie out of my mind, that's almost kiss, was she actually going to go through with it? What would it mean? Why? Then suddenly "don't you think it's time for a break rick?" The most warmest voice called from the door, I looked over to the direction of where the voice chimed from. Billie was stood there with a bottle of water and a little snack.

Rick nodded then handed me my robe back, after putting it back on I sat back down in the chair and billie came over to me smiling. She kneeled down infront of me handing me the things "I'm sorry about earlier, I shouldn't have pushed it" she looked down hoping I would understand her, of course I did "bil its fine" I smiled at her and drank the water.

After having my break I got back to the pictures with rick, this time billie stayed and she sat by the door on her phone occasionally staring at me.

a/n: sorry about the wait I've been real busy

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