chapter 2

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"So what are you thinking?" Emma said looking down at a few other modeling agencie's collaborations with Gucci. I leaned against the table thinking about it "I'm thinking like sexy and open but keeping it modest and stylish" I explained as Emma nodded to me understanding and knowing what I mean

We spend the rest of the day planning and working out exactly what the fit was going to look like. Because me and Emma had been working together for so long she knew how certain clothes would look on my body.

Time skip...

I'm half way through my day and I'm sat outside on a bench waiting for josh to get here since this morning we planned to meet at lunch and just spend some time together. Once he got here I stood up smiling and I hugged him tightly "hey babe" I said kissing his cheek, he kept his arms wrapped about my wait for a minute more then we sat down together and ate lunch, we chatted about random things just enjoying out time together.

After eating with him I had some time to spare before needing to go back into work so I told him more about my plans for the collaboration with Gucci.

I checked my phone and sure my lunch break was pretty much over so we wrapped up our conversations and he pulled me into a hug, I looked up at him and kissed him, he kissed back then he both parted ways. As I was walking back into the building I Gavin was in the cafeteria get lunch, he saw me and smiled "you and him, perfect, we should have you both in for a couples shoot honey" he laughed and I laughed as well "really?" "Yasss, you're such an attractive couple Alissa! You have to tell me the story of how you met that handsome man soon" he smiled then went up to the tills and brought his food.

I headed back up to see Emma and to continue with the fit for the shoot.

Long time skip...

It's the last day until the shoot and Emma sends me and little picture of the outfit to see what I think and if there's anything she can improve on before I need it for tomorrow.

As soon as she sent the picture you were in love with it, the reason it was so open was because you had asked the photographers for the location to be at a sandy beach at sunset with the perfect lighting

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As soon as she sent the picture you were in love with it, the reason it was so open was because you had asked the photographers for the location to be at a sandy beach at sunset with the perfect lighting. You left your little office and you went up a floor to where all the clothing designers stations were and you went to Emma's station.

Emma turned around to see me stood there looking at the fit "Emma, I love it so much, I just had to come thank you in person" Emma let out a sigh of relief and thanked me for my help with it. I walked closer to her and I pulled her into a hug "I'm so glad we get to work together so much!"

After having that little moment with Emma I went into the dressing room and tried it on. When I walked out Gavin was up on the floor checking out everyones designed outfits before the big day tomorrow. Gavin was looking around then he walked in and looked at me, his jaw completely dropped through the floor "Alissaaa! You look gorgeous" as he said those words I couldn't help but smile. He picked up my phone from the table and pulled up the camera "we have to take a pic for Mr Handsome" he laughed as I posed around for him and he took multiple pictures "send me a couple I'll post them on the company Instagram account after tomorrows shoot honey" I nodded and he passed me my phone so I could look through the photos.

I was in absolutely in love with them I send Josh a couple pictures, after her looked at them he said he loved them too and he couldn't wait to see the proper picture tomorrow.

Time skip...

Its finally the day I prove myself. I said goodbye to Josh in the morning after he wished me luck for today. When I got to the studio I pretty much had to wait through the whole day for sunset but it was really fun being about to see and watch my competitions shoots.

A couple hours later after more shoots, there was still 5 more girls to go but that's was okay. I headed up to see Emma and to check out that fit again, j went into Emma's station to check everything and she was adding a few little gucci logos over the fit making it's better, it wa alike Emma have magic hands, she always produced the best outfits.

I stayed with her for a bit as she just finished up on the finishing touches then we sat and talked for a while.

It was finally my turn to go to my location. The photographers had a little room set up and the location so I could get my hair and make up done on the scene so nothing would get ruined. Me, Emma, Gavin and the whole photography team headed down there early and I started getting ready with Emma and Gavin. Gavin wa sgivjng me little pep talks before.

Eventually I was finished getting done, I looked in the mirror and I felt so powerful and strong in this outfit. I walked out on the scene and I started posing in different ways fitting all the right poses that I had learnt over all my time in the modeling industry. I was really feeling myself in this shoot, I felt so damn confident you could see the confidence in my eyes from miles away. The sun was setting and it was hit my perfectly, the sand under my feet and the see behind me were an amazing choice.

After we finished up the main photographer pulled me off to the side and told me he thought I had a really really good chance of being on the covers. I obviously believed him because he had been watching all the other girls modeling and he spends his life working beside vogue.

I'm so ready to hear who's going to be on the covers, and I have a great feeling about it.

The next day...

Today in my day of so I spent it with Josh, we just sat and watched movies all day with all I had going on today was getting a little email from the volgue to find out if it's me or not who's going on the covers. I was really nervous but Josh kept telling me over and over that it would for sure be me.

I was in the kitchen preparing food for me and Josh until j got an email on my laptop. Josh looked over at my laptop to see who it was from since I asked him to watch it " babe! You have an email form the agency!" As I heard him I dropped everything and rushed over to him and I sat down. I pulled up the email and started reading it.

My heart stopped as I read the words...

...We are very happy to inform you, Alissa Smith, you have been chosen for the cover of our magazines...

a/n: heyy, hopefully billie will show up in the next chapter, I've just been using these 2 chapters as fillers so the main plot will make sense :)

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