chapter 7

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Billie slowly started to wake up and she looked up at me "what happened? How come I'm in your bed?" She went to to sit up quickly but I placed my hand across her cheek pulling her back down so she was laying over my shoulder again "be careful bil, last night you got into a really bad fight with Nick...I want you to stay in bed for today.." i slowly layed her down on the pillow instead of me and I pulled the covers over her more.

"What did we fight over Ali?" She looked up at me as I sat up breaking eye contact.

" came in here last night...and.." I looked at billie dead in the eyes with the look.

She looked back at me trying to figure it out until she realised and all Expression on her dropped, she looked stone cold, no personality at all "you're joking right...please tell me you are.." her face went all sad and her eyes went glossy, then a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Did he...go all the way..?" The answer she thought I was going to give was something she didn't want to know but I surprised her completely "no, bil you ran in just before anything happened" I said with a smile as she went completely speechless.

"Billie you saved me" she smiled and pulled me closer

She hugged me tightly "I'm so happy I got there to stop him then" she said into the crook of my neck.

"I'm going to go make you some breakfast" I smiled and sat up, i was wearing an oversized shirt and some small short shorts. I stood up stretching my arms, I felt billies eyes burning into me from behind and i smirked to myself.

I walked to the kitchen and started cooking, about 5 minutes after leaving billie alone I heard her shouting, I rushed into my room and she wasn't there, she was stood in the bathroom staring at herself in the mirror.

She had a black eye, her lip was slip open and her face was covered in bad cuts and bruises.

I went up behind her and I placed my hand down on her shoulder "he looked so much worse I promise bil" we both laughed then I stood up on my tip toes and kissed her cheek "thank you so much billie, I seriously down know what I would've done if you didn't show up last night"

Billie turned away from the mirror and faced me, she wrapped her arms around and shoulders and I naturally melted into her.

After that little moment between us I finished making breakfast then we sat down together and ate breakfast.
Ruck came up a few hours later and we sat down at teh table to talk.

"So last night, I know that's was rough so I'm going to give you the next week off just so you can feel comfortable again" rick gave me a warm smile "thanks rick, what happened to Nick?" "Yeah what are you going to do about what he did?" Billie cut in sternly with the most serious face I'd ever seen.

"I haven't seen him but I'm going to talk with him" billie rolled her eyes and looked at me "Alissa do you think you could give us a little privacy for a moment?" She smiled and I did back. I nodded and got up to walk out the room.

I left the door open a crack so I could listen in..

"Billie you know I can't just let people go like that.." rick sounded guilty saying that "you can't be serious rick! He is dangerous to her!" She snapped back at him

"Billie I dont have time for you to shout at me just because you have a stupid little crush on her! I told you never to fall her any of the hostages!" He snapped back at he, she rolled he eyes and huffed "this is ridiculous!" They began shouting at each other until it went dead silent.

"If you ever shout at me again I'll kill you Eilish!" His tone was was sharp and scary.

I pushed the door open right at tahts moment deciding they had been alone for long enough

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