chapter 16

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Billie's pov...

When I woke up I looked down feeling a slight weight on my chest, Alissa was laying over me, her head on my chest and her arms around my waist.

I had spent the past 5 months trying to get over this girl, trying to forget I even met this girl but now she was all I wanted to think about, she was all I wanted.


I slowly moved out from under Alissa and I made my way to the kitchen, she had woken up so he was following me. I picked him up and cuddled him for a second before I grabbed his bowl and poured some of his treats into it then placed it down on the floor for him, after feeding shark I started making food for me and Alissa.

Shark finished his food pretty quickly and he began to run around getting all excited as Alissa wondered out of the bedroom.

She looked so beautiful in the mornings, she kneeled down as shark jumped into her arms and started licking her. I laughed and wen over to them both "damn he's more excited to see you than me" Alissa laughed and stood back up as shark started to calm down "well good morning, I making breakfast" I walked back over to the cooker and finished cooking.

Once breakfast wa finished me and Alissa sat down to eat together at the table, we talked about her nightmare last night, the way she described it, it sounded pretty terrible.

After eating we both got got washed and dressed so I could take Alissa home.

Once she was finished she said goodbye to shark and we headed out to my car, paparazzi took pictures of us walking out of my house, we got into my car and started driving to her house. The drive was pretty fun we listened to music and talked about memories of stupid things we did when we were together.

When we were finally at her house I parked up in her drive and walked to her the door "thanks for letting me stay with you last night" Alissa smiled and pulled me in for a hug, I was a littel surprised at first but I soon held back onto her.

I said my goodbyes to her and I got back in my car and started driving back home.

Alissa's pov...

After hugging billie goodbye and watching as she got into her car and drove away I closed the door. I never truly knew how much I had missed that girl until I was laying in her bed, my head on her chest, listening to her heart beat as I drifted off to sleep.

I stood by the door thinking about billie feeling my cheeks heat up until I was snapped out of my thoughts by Camilla calling my name.

"Ali? Is that you?" She called out from upstairs "yeah, it's me" I put my things down on the table, Camilla walked down smirking at me "what?" I asked "where were you last night?"

I told her I stayed at billies since it was pretty late once we were finished getting shark settled into billies home "so did anything happen with you and billie?" That same smirk grew back on her face, I shook my head deciding not to tell her about the nightmare and me sleeping in billies bed with her. When I shook my head Camilla road her eyes "you're boring, I was hoping for something juicy"

I laughed "well sorry I couldn't fulfill your need for drama" I walked past her and upstairs.

I took a quick shower and I changed into some comfy clothes, I layed in bed texting billie afterwards, she was sending me cute little pictures of shark sleeping.

Time skip...

After a few hours of just chilling out in my room I walked downstairs to get a snack, I heard an unfamiliar voice talking through a phone.

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